Conservation Commission Legal Notice 11/13/19


The Conservation Commission for the Town of Monterey will hold a public hearing pursuant to M.G.L., c 131, section 40, the Wetlands Protection Act, at the Monterey Town Offices, Monterey Grange #291, 435 Main Road, Monterey, MA on November 13, 2019 at 6:00 p.m. to act on the following:

Request for Determination filed by John Kistler of 14 Bidwell Rd. for the proposed removal of a tree within the buffer zone of Lake Garfield.

Request for Determination filed by Alan Klingenstein of 149 Hupi Rd. for the repair of a stone retaining wall within the resource area of Lake Garfield.

Request for Determination filed by Monterey General, LLC. of 448 Main Rd. for the installation of a grease trap, construction of a deck, and removal of trees within the resource area of the Konkapot River.

Notice of Intent filed by Stephen Solosky of 23 Laurel Bank for the installation of rip rap for stabilization, removal of a concrete dock, and restoration of the existing embankment including native plantings, stone walls, and stairs.   The project lies within the 100’ buffer zone and Bordering Land Subject to Flooding of Lake Buel.