Select Board Meeting Minutes 12/18/19

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Minutes of the meeting of 12/18/19

Meeting Opened at: 9am

Select Board Members Present: Kenneth Basler, Chairperson, Donald Coburn and Steven Weisz

Also in attendance: Chris Blair, Steve Moore, Peter Chait

Miscellaneous Items Reviewed:

  1. The Board agreed to table the proposed Code of Ethics policy to a future meeting, Don will make some additional amendments to it for the next meeting..
  2. The Board discussed the items we are still waiting on from Baystate Municipal Accounting Group (BMAG) to complete the transition to the new Accountant and Treasurer.  A motion was made to hold any payment on bills received from BMAG until all items have been received.  The motion was seconded and unanimously approved.  The Board also agreed that if between now and the 29th the current Accountant and Treasurer receive everything we need that Kenn has the authority to sever the contract with BMAG earlier.
  3. The Board discussed the Monterey School Building and what transpired at the special town meeting regarding the article requesting permission to sell the building which was tabled.  It was proposed to hold a special Select Board meeting to specifically discuss the town’s interest in creating a committee to research the options of the future of the building.  The Board discussed how involved, if at all, Steve could be in the conversations as he had previously recused himself as he intends to bid on the building if it does go up for sale.  A meeting will be scheduled for Wed, February 5th at 7pm and a notice will be in the Jan Select Board Corner.
  4. Don provided an update on the meeting he attended at Gould Farm to discuss their preliminary proposal to create affordable housing with state and federal monies.  This is in the preliminary stages and no plans are available yet.
  5. January meeting schedule: The first Wed of the month when the Board usually meets with the Finance Committee falls on a holiday, the Board will meet instead on Thursday, January 2 at 5pm.
  6. The Board agreed to again host the annual employee recognition/holiday gathering although it will be after the holidays this year (mid-January).  Notices will be sent out to all the Board & Committee members.
  7. Chris Blair came in to inquire about the status of Broadband.  Don provided an update on his conversations with Michael Baldino of the Massachusetts Broadband Institute (MBI) which summarized is that MBI and Fiber Connect still have not reached an agreement; Don is going to reach out again before the next meeting.  Discussion ensued about using the funds that were previously allocated to hire a professional consultant to assist in the matter as well as create a tech committee to work with MBI, Fiber Connect and the consultant if engaged. 
  8. The Conservation Commission has recommended that the Board appoint Peter Close to the Conservation Commission.  A motion was made to appoint Peter Close to a 3 year term to the Commission.  The appointment was seconded and unanimously approved.  The Conservation Commission is also recommending that the Board appoint Nancy Tomasovich to the Commission.  Discussion ensued about this recommendation due to the relationship to the Chairperson and the project that they have before the Commission.  Advice from counsel will be sought on the question of whether related individuals should serve on the same board.  In the meantime, the Conservation Commission should discuss the issue and vote formally on whether this appointment should be considered by the Select Board; and this appointment tabled to a future date.
  9. Kenn reported that the Bidwell House has requested a letter of support for upcoming work with the Greenagers program.  The Board supported Kenn drafting something and sending it out.
  10. Minutes from 12/4/19 were approved.
  11. Mail was reviewed.

A motion was made and unanimously approved to adjourn the meeting at: 10:25am


Submitted by:

Melissa Noe, Administrative Assistant

Approved by:

Monterey Select Board


cc: Website (

Select Board Members

Minutes Book

Town Clerk


Any documents referred to in the minutes are available by request at town hall.