Select Board Meeting Minutes 4/9/24

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Select Board meeting minutes

Date: 4/9/24

Location: Town Hall and remote

Select Board members present: Justin Makuc (Chair), Susan Cooper, Frank Abbott

Others present: Roger MacDonald (Town Administrator), Courteny Morehouse (BRPC), Dennis Lynch (grant writer), Mickey Jervas (Library Board of Trustees Chair), Ilene Marcus (Finance Committee Chair)

Other present remotely: Jeff Zimmerman (Finance Committee)

The meeting was called to order at 6:02pm.                                   

Update on grant for Main Road culvert

The Select Board considered the pros and cons of delaying an application for MVP Phase 3 grant for construction of the culvert in the center of Town on Route 23.

Grant Funding and Town Match Background

MVP maximum award amount for a single town is $3million.

The current price of the culvert replacement as estimated by GZA (the engineering consultant) is $3.6 million, plus GZA estimates an additional $200,000 for their role in construction, engineering and oversight. BRPC has estimated approximately $38,000 for grant administration and outreach. Total project construction and administration cost: $3.838 Million.

This would be a two-year grant with a Town match of $838,000 which would need to be paid over two years. It should be noted that the match can be split over those two years so you can cover $300,000 the FY25 and the remaining $538,000 in FY26. Some match could come from Chapter 90 funding.

Pros and Cons to waiting a year to apply for grant funding:


There is a statewide effort advocating for an increase in MVP funding to $100 million. If this goes through there is a chance that MVP will raise the $3 million cap on grant awards for construction projects. The legislators have been made aware that construction is very costly and that it would benefit small towns to raise the cap. There is no guarantee, but if it does happen the Town would be responsible for a lower match.

Waiting a year will also give the project time to secure all the permits.

There is a chance that extra costs may be added to the project during the permitting process. For example, if MassDOT requests changes to the design and this adds costs. Waiting a year gives the Town a chance to ensure that all costs are included in the grant application.


The town has built up momentum and it would be good to piggyback on this momentum.

Costs would most likely increase somewhere between 3-5% due inflation, cost of goods, and labor between now and FY26 when construction would actually begin.

MVP has this project on their radar, so it might be good to strike while they are excited about seeing it through.

Most of the permitting is good for 2-3 years, if you wait too long (more than a year) to start the project you will need to re-permit some elements such as Wetlands Delineation.


The Board discussed the pros and cons of delaying the MVP Phase 3 application, and discussed the same with Courteny and Dennis. There was a general consensus among the Board to not apply for MVP Phase 3 this year, and to delay application to next year’s cycle in the spring of 2025.

Agreement with CSS Ventures (Information Technology support provider)

The Board reviewed the agreement and wanted to increase the number of days which the Town has to pay invoices. Frank had a question about Microsoft Office licensing which Roger answered. A motion was made to approve the agreement as amended. The motion was seconded and a vote was called: Susan – yes, Frank – yes, Justin – yes. The motion carried.

Special event permits

Gould Farm. This special event permit was for the Opening of Roadside Store. Justin recused himself from the topic due to an appearance of conflict of interest, as he works for Gould Farm. A motion was made to approve the permit. The motion was seconded and a vote was called: Susan – yes, Frank – yes, Justin – abstain. The motion carried.

O’Connor wedding. This special event permit was for a gathering at the community center. A motion was made to approve the permit. The motion was seconded and a vote was called: Susan – yes, Frank – yes, Justin – yes. The motion carried.

Notary insurance renewal

The Board discussed the Town’s various insurance policies and limits. A motion was made to approve the insurance renewal. The motion was seconded and a vote was called: Susan – yes, Frank – yes, Justin – yes. The motion carried.

Fire truck request

Frank wanted the Board to discuss adding the fire tanker engine truck to the Warrant, and voting on the special article. Justin said that further discussion can take place with the Finance Committee as all special articles will be reviewed and voted on by both the Select Board and Finance Committee.

Monterey Fire Company lease agreement

Frank reported no new updates on this item as he is waiting to hear from the Fire Company and its representative.

Discuss FY25 budget and Annual Town Meeting warrant

The Finance Committee joined the meeting.

Justin read the budget and asked all the Select Board and Finance Committee members to place a “hold” on any items that they disagreed with or had questions about. The bodies then went through each item that had a “hold” placed on it.

There was general consensus to remove the Planning Board clerk line from the budget as it has been defunded for at least one year and these duties could be carried out by the Office Assistant position.

The Select Board and Finance Committee agreed to level fund Fire Dept Equipment & Maintenance at $66,300.00. There was a miscommunication earlier in the budget process and the line had been lowered by $5,500.00 year over year.

The Select Board and Finance Committee discussed Fire Department compensation extensively. Justin recused himself due to conflict of interest as he and immediate family members are firefighters. There was discussion about collecting data, setting job descriptions, and looking at regionalization in the future. There was discussion about call rates of pay and stipends/bonuses. There was general consensus to set the line at $231,610.00.

The Fire Hall lease will be discussed at future meetings to finalize that number.

Beach monitor. Ilene suggested that the position should not receive the cost of living adjustment. There was a general consensus to leave the line as increased by cost of living adjustment.

Debt service. This will be double checked but the numbers are set otherwise.

Health insurance. Roger is investigating this number to ensure it is accurate with our current employees and their health insurance plans.

Revolving Funds. There was general consensus to raise the spending limit on the 911 sign revolving fund to $3,000 just to ensure we can spend as much as we collect.

Mickey Jervas suggested making the debt payments such that the principal amounts come out to an even multiple of $100. There was general consensus to leave the debt payments alone.

Frank explained why a new fire tanker engine is necessary to purchase, and why it makes more financial sense than renovating the current fire tanker engine.

Milfoil mitigation in Lake Garfield was discussed, and if it should be a line item in the operating budget. It was agreed that this would be considered if the Lake Garfield Tax District fails at Town Meeting. If the Tax District passes it will take on the cost of milfoil mitigation.

Ilene dissented on the special article for milfoil mitigation in Lake Garfield. Justin dissented on the special article for transferring audit monies year-over-year.

The Warrant will be signed next week with the budget.

The Finance Committee adjourned.

The Select Board discussed minor modification to the Lake Garfield Tax District and agreed to set the limit for calling a Special District meeting at 50 voters or 20%, whichever is less.

The minutes of 3/7/24 were reviewed. A motion was made to approve the meeting minutes as amended. The motion was seconded and a vote was called: Susan – yes, Frank – yes, Justin – yes. The motion carried.

The minutes of 3/12/24 will be reviewed at the next meeting.

The Board discusses the process for drafting and approving a cover letter to go in front of the Annual Town Meeting Warrant. Each Board member will draft a paragraph on a few issues of importance and forward them to Roger who will prepare the draft for approval at next week’s meeting.

A motion was made to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded and a vote was called: Susan – yes, Frank – yes, Justin – yes. The motion carried, and the meeting adjourned at 8:32pm.

Documents used at the meeting:

  1. Email from Courteny Morehouse regarding the Main Road culvert project
  2. Signed agreement with CSS Ventures
  3. Special event permits: Gould Farm, OConnor
  4. Notary Insurance renewal
  5. Draft budget
  6. Draft ATM Warrant

Minutes drafted by: Justin Makuc

Minutes Approved by: Select Board