Broadband Committee Minutes

Meeting date: 
Friday, February 23, 2018

Broadband Committee Meeting                               02/23/18

Attendance : Larry Kline, BJ Johnson, Cliff Weiss, George Cane, Kenn Basler

Meeting started  9:00 AM

  • Reviewed meeting with MBI
    • Agreed to write letter to MBI thanking them for the meeting and requesting their help moving forward
  • Reviewed rejection letter from Charter. Letter to Charter and MBI will be developed. Onitial rejection of Charter was based on there proposal for cable not fiber. That needs to be stated again.
  • Reviewed resignation article in Monterey News by Steve Weisz
  • “Committees in the Commonwealth must follow certain rules under Mass General Law. I believe, in their zeal to hone down to one provider, the broad- band committee may have exceeded its boundaries. I resigned because I did not wish to be a party to that. Additionally, I am disturbed with (what I observe) is the distribution of inaccurate information. I have heard and read that Charter Com- munications is two to three year or three to four years away from wiring the town. That is simply untrue. Charter has always maintained a twelve-to-eighteen-month schedule. This schedule depends on the time it takes to obtain pole licenses and sign with the town.”
  • The Monterey Broadband Committee has reviewed proposals from six different providers over the past two years. We looked at each proposal in relationship to how it would meet Monterey’s present and future needs. These needs are not just the ability of a customer to enjoy high-speed internet or the ease to watch a TV program, but the more important issue of future educational, business, town government, medical, security, and emergency service needs. The committee was felt that Steve was not able to look beyond his personal issues with Fiber Connect. The Committee was reminded that Larry, Kenn and George all had a negative view of Fiber Connect to start but were able to look at the larger picture, Monterey needs now and in the future, and the special issues that Monterey faced.. Our mandate was to review proposals and make a recommendation to the Select Board. This we will continue to work on.
  • As far as bad information. The confusion is the real world. It was decided that all information about length of time to install will use statements from provider but will include a statement about make ready delays. Everyone agreed that Charter has stated a 12-18 month start to finish but when pushed adds more time because of make ready.  BJ will follow-up with Steve to determine any other issues
  • Schedule meeting with Charter

Meeting adjourned at 11:00AM