Conservation Commission Meeting Minutes 6/16/21

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Meeting Minutes


Meeting Date & Time: June 16th, 4:30 pm

Meeting Place: Monterey Town Fire Pavilion - 411 Main St, and Virtual Over Zoom

Members Present: Jeremy Rawitz (Chair), Michael Zisser, Nancy Tomasovich

Virtual: Mary Stucklen (Agent)

Absent: Leslie Lichter, Margo Drohan


Public Present: Carl Hartman, Stanley Lee, and an unnamed resident, Shannon Boomsma, Emily and Mike Johnson


Chair Jeremy called the meeting to order at 4:36pm. The Chair notified the attendees that the meeting will be recorded. The commissioners were introduced. Agent Mary Stucklen introduced herself and is filling in temporarily.


2. The public was asked if there were any comments on issues that weren’t on the agenda. There were none.


Continuing Business


3. Enforcement Order issued to Koenig of 141 Stevens Lake Way (Map 228, Lot 011) for the

unpermitted clearing of vegetation in the resource area and buffer zone of Stevens Lake.


The commission was updated by the agent that a certified letter and an email were being sent to the current property owner as a second attempt to get into contact with them regarding this Order. This agenda item will remain on the agenda for the forseeable future.


New Business

Chair Rawitz recused himself at 4:42pm in anticipation for the next agenda item.

4. A WPA Request for Certificate of Compliance submitted by Jeremy Rawitz of 165 Stevens Lake Way (Map 228, Lot 16) for landscaping work in the buffer zone.

The agent updated the commission on a site visit that was conducted to verify the status of work on the property. The applicant no longer wished to pursue a Certificate of Compliance at this time, as more work has yet to be completed. The commission took no action on this item.

Chair Rawitz formally un-recused himself back into the meeting at 4:43pm.

5. A WPA Request for Determination of Applicability submitted by Jess Cooney of 19 Buckingham Lane (Map 102 Lot 58) for the removal of a deck and installation of a parking area and mudroom within the buffer zone.

The representative for the property, Shannon Boomsma, summarized the work that is to be done as described in the application and on various plans. The entirety of the project is in the outer 50 feet of the buffer zone, and trees are proposed to be replanted for those that are being removed for the parking area.

A motion was made to issue a Negative Determination #3 with the Monterey standard order of conditions (Tomasovich/Zisser). A roll call vote was made and all were in favor. MSV.

6. Ratification of a WPA Emergency Permit issued to the Town of Monterey Highway Department for the repair of a culvert on New Marlborough Rd.

Agent Stucklen summarized the need for the emergency permit issued to the Highway Department and that the work had already been completed and photos submitted to the commission for review.

A motion was made to Ratify the Emergency Permit issued to the Town of Monterey Highway Department (Tomasovich/Zisser). A roll call vote was made and all were in favor. MSV.

The commission had a short discussion regarding the potential for the Highway Department to submit a Notice of Intent or other permits in the future. The agent shared her knowledge about bundled Notices of Intent, and that it is possible for the Town to pursue one strictly for culverts. However, since they are so highly regulated, this may not be possible. The commission discussed that should a slue of other emergency permits be requested, the commission may require the Highway Department to review all possible future needs for maintenance and work and to submit a Notice of Intent, and possibly to have a joint meeting with the Highway Department in the future.

The commission started recording the meeting at 4:52pm.

7. A WPA Notice of Intent submitted by Stanley and Deborah Lee of 16 Point Rd (Map 102, Lot 29, DEP File# 230-0323) for the installation of three additions and a stone patio to a residence within the buffer zone.

Representative Boomsma summarized the project and the various portions of the project that are included in the application, such as erosion controls and the limit of work. Rep Boomsma also showed a few plans and mentioned two submitted Requests for Certificate of Compliance that are to appear on the next meeting. These RCOCs address a comment stated by DEP in the file number comments.

The public hearing was opened at 5:05pm, and then closed at 5:06 with no comment made from the public.

A motion was made to issue an order of conditions Stanley and Deborah Lee of 16 Point Rd (Map 102, Lot 29, DEP File# 230-0323) (Zisser/Tomasovich). A condition was made provide the recordings for the outstanding Certificates prior to start of work, with a second condition that the Monterey Standard Order also be attached. A roll call vote was made and all were in favor. MSV.

8. A WPA Request for Determination of Applicability submitted by Carl Hartman of 37 Stevens Lake Road (Map 228, Lot 1) for the replacement of an existing room to a residence within the buffer zone.

The commission heard from the applicant, Mr. Hartman, and discussed the various details about his project. There is a small amount of increased building footprint in the buffer zone, another four feet added to the existing building to the North, with appropriate sediment controls in place.

A motion was made to issue a Negative Determination #3 with the standard order of conditions (Tomasovich/Zisser). A roll call vote was made and all in favor. MSV.

9. A WPA Request for Determination of Applicability submitted by the Monterey Parks & Recreation Committee for the nourishment of the Town Beach area and maintenance of a boat ramp to Lake Garfield.

Agent Stucklen summarized the site visit to the property, as well as the details in the application. In summary, the beach will have new sand delivered to it and dumped at the top of the beach and spread near the top of the slope. It is expected that over time, beach goers will spread the sand more evenly and towards the water. As for the boat ramp, it will be re-graveled and a strip of rocks along the beach edge will be installed to prevent erosion, which was evident to be taking place at the site visit.

A motion was made to issue a Negative Determination #3 to the Monterey Parks & Recreation Committee for the nourishment of the Town Beach area and maintenance of a boat ramp to Lake Garfield (Tomasovich/Zisser). A roll call vote was made and all were in favor. MSV.

Additional Items

10. Potential Violations:
a. 0 Hupi Road

Agent Stucklen and the commission visited the property, which stretches from Hupi road to the bank of Lake Garfield through Elephant Rock Road. The property has an active permit and the tree cutting was appropriate and seemed to match what was permitted. Agent Stucklen asked the representative of the property to install erosion controls due to the current site conditions and exposed soils, and they had done so between the site visit and the meeting. There is no active violation on this property at this time.

b. 24 Laurel Banks
Agent Stucklen briefed the commission on the issue that was brought to her attention by a neighbor of the property. According to meeting minutes and other related paperwork, the property is not in violation at the current time and was permitted in such a way that did not require abutters to be notified when an amendment was made, which is the reason why the neighbor felt the property was in violation.

11. Budget for Fiscal Year 22
a. Trails in Monterey

There are no updates on this agenda topic at this time.

b. Application Fees
The commission discussed that the next meeting would be an appropriate time to review application fees and compare them to other town fees.

12. Discussion: Application instructions for the Conservation Commission website
The commission discussed the need for instructions to go onto the website and Agent Stucklen will present examples of what can be uploaded for the Commission’s approval.

13. Discussion: Conservation Commission meeting times and site visit days
The commission discussed the next few meeting dates and that their next few meetings will fall on a Tuesday night versus their typical Wednesday night. This change may become permanent in the future.

14. Educational Review: Common WPA applications and permits
The commission decided to move this agenda item onto the next meeting’s agenda.

15. Review and approval of May 19th, 2021 Conservation Commission Meeting minutes.
A motion was made to approve the May 19th, 2021 meeting minutes (Zisser/Tomasovich). A roll call vote was made and all were in favor. MSV.

16. General Mail and Administrative Items
Agent Stucklen reviewed a few pieces of general mail.

A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 7:20pm (Zisser/Tomasovich). A roll call vote was made and all were in favor. MSV.