Finance Committee Meeting minutes 1-3-23

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Minutes of the meeting 1/3/23

Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Meeting Opened at 4:08 pm

Finance Committee members present: Ilene Marcus, Frank Abbott, Michele Miller- Chair

Also Present: Laurie McArthur (SB secretary), 

Also Present Remotely: Don Coburn, Ken

Call to Order 4:08pm


Consider minutes as available

            The Finance Committee reviewed the draft of the minutes from 12/6/22 and accepted the minutes as is.

The Finance Committee reviewed the draft of the minutes from 12/13/22.  These minutes will be reviewed and modifications will be made.  

The Finance Committee reviewed the draft of the minutes from 12/20/22 and accepted the minutes as is.  

Review Budget Meetings

            Frank discussed issues with the highway and will follow up with Jim and Melissa to gather additional information for the financial requests.  The Finance Committee discussed questions they had about various department budgets and zero budgeting.   

Jim requested an 8.41 percent increase to be able to raise salaries to meet current market value for employees.  In total Jim is requesting a 9.33 percent budget increase.  

The fuel budget needs to be re-assessed, and Ilene offered to complete this analysis.  There is a need to find out where the costs and expenses are in regard to repairs and maintenance for both the Fire Department and the DPW.  

The Finance Committee wants to look into the Expenditure control report and identify necessary categories.  Ilene and Frank will set a time to meet and discuss what they need to include in the report. 

Parks will need to go out and obtain a new contract due to their current contract expiring.  Frank will reach out to Jerry to gather more information in order to create a spreadsheet for what Parks is looking to do this year.  Parks expressed an interest in having a parking program at the beach this year to help alleviate some of the parking issues.  Ilene suggested the Parks Department look into a grant to help with funding and other issues that may arise should a parking program be implemented at the Great Pond in Monterey.  

The Planning Board is requesting additional funds to help pay for meeting times.  There was also a discussion about the legal fees for the Hume case.  

The cemetery contract is expiring and will need to be put up for a new bid.  Currently they are requesting the same amount, however, there is concern that the cost may increase.  

Conservation Commission re quested an increase to $35 per hour for their agent to be able to complete paperwork.  Ilene asked if there is a way to bill it back to the homeowner; however, Frank said he was uncertain if this was an option.  There was a suggestion to review the application fee and determine whether an increase may be necessary.  

The Tax Collector is making a request for $1,500 for an upgrade fee for software, which would allow an individual to obtain their tax bill online.  

Follow up questions for further discussion

None at this time. 

Review Warrant items and Capital Policy for Joint Meeting

Michele wrote back to Ilene with several edits.  The Finance Committee is working on a complete and accurate Capital Plan for Policy.  The Finance Committee discussed ideas for creating the letter that would be distributed.   

The Finance Committee reviewed the list of items on the Warrant and discussed how more information would be needed in order to figure out the numbers.  Frank said that he would need additional information to determine how he would get to the numbers listed on budget and Warrant.  

Frank asked if they need to have a larger reserve and not allow individuals to go over that reserve.  Ilene said the reserve account is for unforeseen and emergency issues that arise.  Michele suggested going back to the original list of Capital items and working from there.  Michele said the original list and policy was ignored by the Select Board, and so the Finance Committee should have a completed list including the costs, all necessary components, and the evaluation. Ilene said they should also have a list outlining the correct reserve fund amount.  

Ilene suggested adding a budget meeting for the Town Administrator in addition to all of the other budgets.  Ilene said that the analysis from last year to this year was incomplete and should be modified so that it can be updated for the current fiscal year.  Frank suggested more structure.  Ken suggested that training should be incorporated into the budgeting process, particularly training to complete the budget.  

Ilene suggested that they have to manage their expectations and learn more 

Ilene is going to write an article about the difference between zero- based budged vs incremental budget.  

Michele made a motion to adjourn at 5:01pm

Seconded- Frank- yes, Ilene- yes, Michele- yes. 

Documents used at the meeting

  1. Warrant