Finance Committee meeting minutes 1-31-23

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Minutes of the Finance Committee Meeting 1/31/23

Meeting Date: Tuesday January 31, 2023

Meeting Opened at 4:00 pm

Finance Committee Members present: Frank Abbot, Michele Miller

Other individuals present:

Call to Order at 4:00pm

Accept Minutes as available

            This item was not discussed at the meeting today.  

Prepare for Joint Meeting and further interviews

Frank provided an update about the meeting he and Ilene had on 1/24/23 where they reviewed the questions for the DPW. Frank discussed the payable general ledger with Michele and reviewed some of the questions he had for the DPW and intended to ask during the joint meeting.  Frank inquired about what was driving some of the increases in the budget and said that he would prefer a more detailed budget.  Michele and Frank discussed the importance of doing business with ethical companies, and how the Chapter 90 funds would be utilized.  


The Finance Committee discussed the Capital items for the DPW, including the Truck, Fuel Management System, and Tractor, and the feasibility of those items for the fiscal year.  Frank discussed what he was told about the storm damage fund, and how the DPW was looking to increase that budget.  The Finance Committee discussed utilizing a reserve fund for items and said they would review this with the Select Board at the joint meeting.  


The Finance Committee discussed the Police Department budget request, salary increase requests, and their meeting with Brian.  The Finance Committee discussed the request for a new police cruiser.  


Frank discussed the concept of a staggard raise with the option of splitting a raise between the start of the FY year and at the six-month mark.  


The Finance Committee discussed questions that Frank had for the parks department including budgetary items that had been requested.  Some of the items requested included a ping-pong table, bicycle repair, the post office, town beach and the park.  It was reported that those items could be postponed for a future budget.  The Finance Committee discussed additional items that could be removed from the budget and discussed how additional numerical information was needed for some of the other categories in the budget.  


The Finance Committee discussed items in Fire Department budget request.  They talked about questions for preventative maintenance and repairs on the fire engines.  Michele discussed questions about hours listed on the budget for maintenance and testing performed on the fire engines.   The Finance Committee discussed areas where the budget should be reduced and the need for additional information.  Frank will continue to work on the Fire Department budget. 


Michele made a motion to adjourn the meeting.  Frank seconded.  

Call a vote: Frank-yes, Michele- yes

Meeting adjourned at: 4:58pm