Finance Committee Meeting Minutes 12/22/2020

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Minutes for Finance Committee Meeting  12/22/20

Members in Attendance   :          Michele Miller, Jon Sylbert

On Zoom                                             Rebecca Wolin


Budget Schedule

Budget Agenda

Meeting started at 5:02                

Michele asked if she could meet privately with Melissa to discuss the budget.

Jon stated he did not want any private meetings

Rebecca Wolin agreed and stated that everything needs to be done in the public for transparency

Schedule of meetings with departments were requested from Melissa – the majority of the meetings were in person rather than remote.  Due to Covid both Rebecca Wolin and Jon Sylbert requested remote access. Steve W agreed to having remote access, Don disagreed and said it would not happen as it was not a public meeting.    Michele said she was not concerned about the in person meetings and would go to meetings she was available for. 

A written request was still sent to the select board for remote meetings and we never heard back.

Also requested of Melissa were that all paper budgets turned in be forwarded to the finance committee

We did agree that the 5 big budgets would eventually be discussed in public as the paper requests have very little detail and are not very meaningful.  Don agreed

Jon made a motion to end the meeting at 6:07 – Rebecca second – motion passed

The meeting ended at 6:07