Finance Committee Meeting Minutes 1/27/21

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Finance Committee Meeting   January 27, 2021

This was a joint meeting with the Select board 

Jon Sylbert, Michele Miller, and Rebecca Wolin present

Agenda joint meeting with the selectboard


New sub line item uniforms: It was pointed out that our bylaws state that uniforms are to be provided to the police & fireman.  Previously uniforms were never explicitly in the budget as everything was put under fire dept expenses and uniforms were only purchased if there was enough money left at the end of the year which often led to only a few sets acquired.

Facilities rental: Other sources of revenue was briefly discussed.

Capital items: SCBA (airpacks) The town is applying for an AFG grant but won’t know if we are successful until after town meeting.  The warrant article will be written to reflect that not all of the funds may be necessary if we are successful in writing the grant. Only $10,000 was left in the budget to cover the expenses of Monterey.  If the grant is not funded we will not purchase the air packs

Fire Dept Compensation: Discussion ensued about the proposed 27% increase to compensation.  Shawn explained that the current compensation plan and fireman training and call schedule actually will cost the town less money than the way the compensation plan used to be as the number of members responding between the hours of 5:30pm – 5:30am has dropped from an average of 10 to a total of 3 when a applicable. Shawn was asked to provide a comparison for the last two years of what each year would’ve cost under the old compensation plan and with the new compensation plan

Jon  mentioned that it was  he who first requested pay for the fireman, so that he is not against paying them, but thought the salary increase was not necessary to that amount.

Rebecca expressed concerns about Monterey responding to mutual aid calls in other towns and thought that those towns should be reimbursing Monterey for the costs incurred  We should not be the first to respond to a fire in Shefield.   Monterey should not be subsidizing  other towns fire services  It was mentioned that maybe we should re look at the mutual aid agreement.  Regionalization was discussed.


The increase to the overall budget is primarily due to the additional 5 hours the library would like to be open.  Steve asked if they could do with less than 5 additional hours, maybe 4.  No one responded.

Final numbers have not been received from Berkshire South so an estimated 5% has been added as a place holder.  Rebecca Wolin said she would get that number for the Parks Commission.

Playground: The parks commission would like to replace the playground equipment.  They are investigating whether there are any grants available.  Prices range from $10k – 60k depending on the type of equipment chosen.  Jon wanted to know if the playground has been assessed by a professional for safety and if there are any insurance issues we should be aware of.  A motion was made to have the equipment professionally assessed for safety with a member of the Parks and Select Board present. 

Rebecca inquired as to why the Parks Commission isn’t purchasing more kayak racks when people were turned down for permits last year.  M. Noe let the group know that 2 more have been purchased and will be installed by the Highway Department in the spring. Steve Snyder stated that there are currently 48 berths and there will be 60 after the 2 additional racks are assembled.  Last year the 48 berths were not all used so it does not appear that additional racks would be necessary but the Parks Commission is not adverse to the idea but noted that additional racks would require some additional prep work to the ground area.