Finance Committee Meeting Minutes 2/10/21

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Finance Committee Meeting  2-10-21 - @ 4 PM


Rebecca Wolin, Jon Silbert, Michele Miller (who came and went during the meeting)


Budget Strategy

Jon went through his budget analysis, the tax recap sheet, and the fy 21 tax recap sheet

The tax recap sheet – shows that we should be getting similar funds from the state give or take $5k.

The budget received from the departments and the selectboard shows an increase that would raise taxes between $600 and $714 per household. 

Jon went through the tax levy sheet and explained that if we were to keep the levy at 3.5% we will need to cut the budget down to 4.9M

Jon made a motion that we need to hold taxes down and to present the schedules to the select board.

Rebecca second.  Jon and Rebecca voted yes, Michele had left the meeting.

Meeting adjourned at 4:40PM