Finance Committee Meeting Minutes 3/1/22 - 6pm

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Select Board & Finance Committee Joint Meeting

Minutes of 3/1/22


Meeting Opened at: 6:07pm (due to audio difficulties)

Select Board Members Present: Justin Makuc

Select Board Members present remotely: Steve Weisz and John Weingold 

Also present: Michele Miller, Mickey Jervas

Also present remotely: Jon Sylbert, Steve Moore, Don Coburn, Peter Chait, Katrina Fitzpatrick, Jeff Zimmerman, Mary Makuc

Items discussed:

  1. No one opposed lowering the grant writing line item to $5k.
  2. Proposed new administrative staff: Justin and Jon S expressed concerns about the position being benefit eligible.  It was agreed it could be supported if the position was less than 20 hours with no benefits.  Melissa inquired what would happen if a current, qualified part time employee applied for the position which would then make them benefit eligible and Jon S stated we’d have to decline offering them the position.
  3. Melissa will confirm the computer and software budget request withTom Roy to make sure it is enough.
  4. Town Clerk Budget Request: Michele noted that she has reviewed the comparative hours and wages in surrounding towns and is concerned with the current request to increase the hours of this position and making it benefit eligible as well as any other obligations that may come along with that change.  Michele also noted that at this point it is difficult to get a complete picture justifying such a large increase to the overall budget when the Town Clerk has failed to answer the questions posed to her.  It was the understanding of some present that the current staff member the Clerk has is being groomed to be the Clerk when she retires but the situation is proving opaque as it does not appear that the training has been happening.  Michele recommended level funding the Clerk wages and keeping the hours the same, all agreed.  Jon S added that he is also not inclined to add hours to this position making it benefit eligible but suggested that if the department needs more resources adding an assistants would be preferable.  Michele eferred this until we know more about the current situation.
  5. Police Department: Jon S took issue with anyone assuming a succession plan involving the current Sergeant and was adamant that the position of Chief needs to be advertised.  Jon S also believes that we should not approve any changes to the staffing as the new chief should be the one to make a proposal for scheduling and staffing changes.  Steve noted that the current Chief put forth the proposal for FY23 is and it wasn’t created lightly; it took into account the changes due to the police reform and adequate shift coverage.  Jon S also said that we should not assume that the new Chief will be compensated at the same rate as the outgoing  Chief. Melissa pointed out that when the previous Director of Operations left the new person was hired at the same rate.  Justin said that he has had conversations with the department and acknowledges that due to the police reform future department staffing in small towns may need to look very different.  Don Coburn commented that he agreed with Steve and the money requested by the current chief should be put in the budget.  Michele acknowledged that Monterey is very fortunate to have Sergeant Fahey and that the town should treat our employees as valued.  Jon S requested more information on towns our size and how many full time officers they employ; Melissa will get this information.
  6. Library Wages: As Justin has immediate family involved with the library he recused himself from the discussion.  The current proposal requests a 3.8% increase to wages for more frequent wiping down of material (no additional hours).
  7. Library loan:  Mickey Jervas requested that the town pay $104,2188 for FY23.  This item will be discussed further at a future meeting.
  8. Special Articles:
    1. The need for an annual target for stabilization balances was discussed.  It was debated whether the balance of our stabilization should be 5, 10 or 15% of our budget.  For the moment it was agreed that a balance of at least $500k is the goal.
    2. Discussion ensued about combining the fire department and bridges, roads and culverts accounts into the general stabilization account.  All present seemed to be in favor of this.  It was agreed by all that no additional monies would be added to any of the 3 stabilization accounts for FY23.
    3. Fire Department capital:  As Justin felt that there was an appearance of conflict with this topic he recused himself from the discussion. Jon S explained that this is an extremely important budget item that is used for capital improvements on the firehouse each year, if it is not all spent the balance returns to the general fund.  Steve concurred it is important to maintain the building as it houses all of the town owned equipment and essential staff.
    4. Milfoil request: Jon S began by trying to discuss the need for a tax district but was told by Michele that a tax district was not on the agenda and therefore could not be discussed.  Steve also pointed out that the milfoil and a tax district are not related topics as the tax district would only affect those that own property on the lake and the milfoil affects the great pond which is open to all.  The Finance Committee unanimously voted to zero out this line item request.
    5. The amount to use to lower the tax rate was discussed.  Jon S feels strongly that each year departments are over budgeting leading to such high amounts of free cash each year.  Jon S was asked to provide examples of specific departments for the last few years and where they have over budgeted so the issue can be addressed (if there is an issue).  Melissa pointed out that due to COVID a lot of departments were unable to spend all of their budgets dues to restrictions, vacant positions, etc.  Jon S proposed using $500k to lower the tax rate and to leave $100k in free cash.  A compromise of $400k to lower the tax rate was agreed upon.
    6. F550 truck: The Finance Committee would like the highway department to push this off a year.  Steve would like to speak with Jim Hunt first and review the capital plan before any decisions are made.  Jim will be asked to attend next week’s joint meeting.
    7. Community Center Lighting: Mary Makuc is requesting an additional $7k as a contingency in case the bids due on the 23rd come in higher than the $29k currently allocated.  All agreed to put a special article on for this amount.
    8. All agreed to raise the fuel line item to $30k.
  9. The finance committee will meet next Tuesday at 5:30 and the boards will meet jointly at 5pm next Wednesday.


A motion was made and unanimously approved to adjourn the meeting at: 8:07pm


Submitted by:

Melissa Noe, Town Administrator