Finance Committee Meeting Minutes 3/12/2020

Meeting date: 
Thursday, March 12, 2020



ATTENDING MEMBERS:                     

            GEORGE CAIN, CHAIR             KENN BASLER, CHAIR              MELISSA NOE                              

            JON SYLBERT                           STEVE WEISZ                                                  

            REBECCA WOLIN                    DON COBURN                        


The meeting was called to order at 5:38 PM. 

The Select Board passes a resolution that all communications with the Account and Treasurer should be directed to the Administrative Assistant.

The proposed salary and wage increases and the idea of a uniform 75/25 healthcare splits for all employees (worked in over a 5 year period) was discussed and Steve Weisz was asked to pursued the healthcare issue with the four employees that it would impact.

Bonding options were again discussed and Kenn was going to seek additional input regarding dollar level impacts over suggested timelines. 

The Town Clerk’s assistant position was approved for the full fiscal year of 2021.

The Select Board voted to add the Lake Garfield milfoil budget as a special article.

The library accounts were to be renamed Library Operations (rather than Library General) and Library Maintenance.

The Ambulance and Sick Bank accounts were discussed and approved.

The Fire Company revised budget was approved.

The Finance Committee adjourned its meeting at 7:50 PM.


Respectfully submitted,

George Cain, Chair