Finance Committee Meeting Minutes 3/4/2020

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, March 4, 2020


MARCH 4, 2020


ATTENDING MEMBERS:                     

            GEORGE CAIN, CHAIR             KENN BASLER, CHAIR              MELISSA NOE                                

            JON SYLBERT                           DON COBURN                         MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC

            REBECCA WOLIN                    STEVE WEISZ


The meeting was called to order at 4:35 PM. 

Discussed the on-going review of comparative healthcare plans and the goal of developing a detailed comparison (apples to apples) of the MIIA and BHG options.

The various borrowing options were discussed.  Borrowing at current low rates over a 20-year period for the Library loan was favored.  DPW capital needs were discussed as items to be funded by use of stabilization funds.

Tabled a review of the Fire Department’s budget due to the absence of the requested basic data.

Discussed the DPW’s Capital Budget plan to acquire two trucks.  The Select Board voted unanimously to approved the purchase of the two trucks, and the Finance Committee voted 2 to 1 to approve this purchase.

It was agreed that the Chairs of the Select Board and the Finance Committee would meet with the goal of summarizing open items to be resolved in order to conclude the budget review process.

The Lake Garfield Committee presented a proposal to include $30,000 as an on-going budget item.  The discussion centered on having the $30,000 as a special article vs. a budget item.  The discussion also covered the possibility of having a special Lake Garfield tax district along the lines of Lake Buel.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:50 PM.


Respectfully submitted,

George Cain, Chair