Finance Committee Meeting Minutes 4/13/22 - 5:30pm

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, April 13, 2022


Meeting Date:  4/13/22

Finance Committee Members Present:   Michele Miller, Chair, Katrina Fitzpatrick, Jon Sylbert

Finance Committee Members Absent:  none

Select Board Members Present: Steve Weisz, Chair, Justin Makuc

Select Board Members Absent: John Weingold

Others present: Roger Tryon, Dennis Lynch, Shawn Tryon, Mickey Jervas, Hillel Maximon, Steve Moore

Also present remotely: Susan Cooper, , Don Coburn, Margaret Abbott, Frank Abbott, Scott Margol, Officer Wilson, Janet Maximon, Stuart and Laura Litwin, Debbie Slater, Paula Hartstein, Jeff and Lauren, Emily Johnson, Peter Murkett, Jeremy Rawitz

Meeting opened at: 5:30pm

Joint meeting with Select Board: finalize budget and consider new requests of funds for mediation, Select Board secretary, and leadership training

  1. Leadership training – Due to the cost ranging from a few thousand to tens of thousands, Justin has decided to do more research on other options that may be available.  Justin will seek out free resources or see if anyone would be interested in offering the service pro bono.  Michele stated that in her opinion it would be throwing good money after bad until there was a very clear understanding what kind of results we could expect as Michele thinks that we did not get the results expected from the investigative report.
  2. Proposed new select board secretary: As this was one of the recommendations from the investigation, Justin is recommending creating a new position at 6hrs/week at $18/hr.  Discussion ensued and all agreed to add a new line item for an even $5,700.
  3. The Boards discussed whether or not they should make any amendments to legal services since we have been given notice that Town Counsel is terminating services with Monterey.  All agreed to keep it as is.
  4. Milfoil article – the finance committee originally voted 3 – 0 to not include it on the warrant and then voted 2 – 0 to put it back on, with some confusion over the use of ARPA funds.  Now it has been submitted as a citizen petition for $50k.  Michele noted it is a fete accompli unless the Town Meeting votes it down. The Select Board made a motion to accept the milfoil article which was seconded and approved 2 – 0.