Finance Committee Meeting Minutes 4/19/21

Meeting date: 
Monday, April 19, 2021

Finance Committee Meeting   April 19, 2021

This was a joint meeting with the Select board 

Jon Sylbert, Michele Miller, and Rebecca Wolin present


Saturdays meeting – prep           

Review letter to be sent out to residents

Meeting started at 4:30

Michele requested a copy of the letter that the finance committee will be sending to the residents.  It will be similar to the letter printed in the Monterey News. 

Michele had not read that letter – Jon sent Michele the letter to review

Another meeting was set up for Wednesday at 5 pm so that we can all agree to this letter

For Saturday’s meeting Rebecca will start with an introduction – lay out the rules, and give zoom hand raising instructions.

Michele asked about the capital plan –

It was suggested to Michele start with the old capital plan that Melissa sent everyone in November 2020.

Michele would like the finance committee to make a list of what needs to be done next year

Rebecca suggested we wait until after the town meeting and the elections.

The meeting ended at 5PM