Finance Committee Meeting Minutes 6/29/22 - 5pm

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, June 29, 2022


Meeting date: Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Meeting Opened at: 5:01pm

Finance Committee Members Present: Frank Abbott, Michele Miller

Finance Committee Members absent: Katrina Fitzpatrick

Select Board Members Present: Justin Makuc, Chair and Susan Cooper

Also present: Mickey Jervas, Mary Makuc

Also present remotely: Don Coburn, Martin Mraz, Donna Brewer, and Paula Hartstein

5pm: Joint meeting with the Finance Committee

  1. Review and discuss Annual Operating Budget Policy Draft: The Finance Committee submitted an amended version for the Board to consider which is similar to the way the process has worked for the last 2 years.  Discussion ensued.  Justin will make further edits for the joint meeting to consider next time they convene.
  2. The Finance Committee and Select Board reviewed and discussed the draft Purchasing Policy.  The Boards discussed adding the procurement chart to the policy.  Melissa will take this back and incorporate the items everyone would like to see added prior to the next meeting.
  3. Motions were made to raise spending limit for Bally Gally by $154 to pay for 2 Terminix bills.  The motions were seconded and unanimously approved by both the Finance Committee and Select Board.
  4. Motions were made to approve the following transfers: $10.68 from snow and ice overtime to Medicare, $270 from snow and ice overtime to fire department compensation, $406.63 from snow and ice overtime to Director of Operations, $0.04 from snow and ice overtime to Sanitary Inspector, $213.71 from snow and ice to Berkshire Regional Planning, $1,628 from snow and ice to tree warden expenses, $747.07 from storm damage to fire equipment and maintenance, $2,458.26 from storm damage to fuel, and to amend the previously approved transfer for $1,278.30 to come from snow and ice instead of Select Board expenses.
  5. Library employee hourly rate change for FY23: Justin recused himself and left the room as it has a direct financial impact on a direct family member. Melissa Noe asked the Board to make a determination on the library trustees electing to take the salaries approved for FY23 and distribute the 3.8% COLA given to all employees unevenly (2.4% to the Director and 5.8% to the 2 employees). Mickey Jervas stated that the Trustees feel that the law gives them considerable discretion in the use of the funds they are given, and as they are staying within the Library Wages granted them by Town Meeting they may distribute them as they see fit. Susan explained that she is concerned that the reassignment of funds may result in friction between the Library Trustees and the Finance Committee.  Susan personally feels that a better option would be to use $1,000 of American Rescue Plan Act funds to give the library staff a one-time bonus in light of their service during COVID. Michele explained that the library was told during budget presentations when they asked for more money for additional COVID responsibilities that everyone was getting an across the board COLA increase of 3.8% and that all departments had experienced additional, unexpected duties related to COVID. Michele said that it disturbs her that the Boards went to the town with a budget and said that all employees would be given 3.8% and she questions the precedent this sets for doing something different than was approved.  Don Coburn then stated that Susan cannot vote on this alone and Justin can invoke the Rule of Necessity.  Attorney Brewer said that Don is right and the Rule of Necessity has to be invoked because a Select Board cannot operate as a board of one.  Justin Makuc returned and stated that the Library Director is his father and the outcome of this impacts his father’s financial status no matter the outcome but he is confident he can rule on this fairly and not based on his relationship, so he’s invoking the Rule of Necessity. Justin felt that since the Trustees stayed within the amount of money approved at Town Meeting, their authority over the library staff and building should be respected.  Susan reviewed the Annual Town Meeting minutes and found no hold placed on Library Staff Wages, nor any mention of COLA raises or discussion regarding this matter at Meeting.  The only record she found regarding COLA adjustments were two sentences in the minutes of the 3/22/22 Finance Committee minutes. Mickey believes the Trustees acted in good faith and honorably to recognize the work the employees have been doing. Susan asked that it be noted in the record that she is very happy that the employee handbook will be redone this year so that a structure is in place to allow for compensation adjustments based on performance as well as COLA.  A motion was made to respect the Library Trustees decision as to library staff wages for FY23.  The motion was seconded and unanimously approved.


A motion was made to adjourn the Finance Committee portion of the meeting. The motion was seconded. Don asked if the Finance Committee was short one person; Michele noted they are not, one member has been unable to attend while transitioning to a new job. The motion was approved unanimously.