Finance Committee Minutes 10/7/2020

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Minutes for Finance Committee Meeting  October 7, 2020


Members in Attendance   :          Michele Miller, Jon Sylbert

On Zoom                                             Rebecca Wolin


Attendees:         David Eisenthal – Unibank

                                Adam Chait

                                Sara – town treasurer

                                Caller 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06 – all with no names

                                Mark Weber

                                M Jervis

                                Lucinda Vermuelin

                `               Jeff Lazarus


                                Richard Vinette esq.

                                Don Corburn, Steve Weitz


We meet with David from Unibank regarding rates if we decide to bond the library debt or just have a one year loan.Our rep from Unibank was pushing us to bond all of our capital purchases this year of the 2 trucks we may approve and the library.He explained that the higher number we try to bond, the better the rate.No decisions were made, David will be sending us rate schedules.

We then started to discuss the special town meeting.It was then that select board chair decided that the select board meeting was not a joint meeting (even though that was how it was posted) and when he did not like what Jon or myself was talking about ordered Melissa to mute us.This was very disturbing that the select board chair was engaging in censorship.

At our previous meeting Don had promised to review the capital plan with Shawn and see if we could stretch out future purchases so that we are not looking at purchasing 3 trucks within the next 8 months.Don claims he never said that, the tape disagrees with Dons memory.

We spoke about the trucks that will be voted on at the special town meeting.

Michele left the meeting at 6.

The finance committee was not in agreement to purchase the 2 trucks and Jon and myself made a motion and second to only purchase 1 truck. 

Jon and Rebecca scheduled another finance meeting on October 22 to discuss this further with just the finance committee.

Submitted by R Wolin  10/22/2020