Finance Committee Minutes

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Finance Committee meeting minutes of 9/26/18, 5:00pm



George Cain

Rebecca Wolin


Jonathan Sylbert, Chair

Joint meeting with Select Board.


Accountant-Treasurer arbitration.

Overdue bill from Planning Board. BMA has stated that the Board and Finance Committee can agree to pay it and delay closing the FY18 books, or make the vendor wait until annual town meeting where a prior fiscal year bill can be approved for payment. A motion was made allow for an extra FY18 warrant to pay the bills. The Finance Committee and Select Board unanimously agreed.

FY20 preliminary budget meetings schedule/process: it was proposed to hold the initial meetings jointly with the department head, one selectperson, one finance member and M. Noe. George would also like to project out revenue and capital expenses.

Meeting adjourned, 5:40pm.