Joint Meeting of the Finance Committee and Select Board 4/12/2023

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Joint meeting of the Finance Committee and Select Board

Select Board members present: Susan Cooper, Justin Makuc, Scott Jenssen

Other individuals present: Melissa Noe, Laurie McArthur (SB Secretary), Frank Abbott, Ilene Marcus, Don Coburn, Mickey Jervas

Other individuals present remotely: Donna 

Minutes of the meeting 4/12/23

Meeting Date: Wednesday April 12, 2023

Meeting Opened at 6:00 pm

Agenda items to be discussed:
1. Continue Final Edits of Warrant

            Justin reported that the accountant worked with Melissa regarding the funding of the ballpark coming out of free cash, which would make the money available after the annual Town Meeting.  Justin said the other item was the $30k to pay for the Fire Company property.  Justin reported that he heard back from Town Council and forwarded this information to everyone.  He reported that Town Councils main concern was the improvement effectuate a public purpose and the town should have a long-term lease, so the town has some security. Frank said that the Finance Committee agreed that this should be removed from the Warrant this year.  Don asked if Council was aware of in the event the Fire Company should disband then the property would be awarded to the Town.  The Finance Committee and Select Board said they were unsure and would have to inquire about that.  Melissa said that previous councils have agreed that it was ok to allocate these funds.  Susan asked if the terms were still viable since the lease has transitioned to month-to-month.  Ilene asked if they can call Counsel to clarify this issue.  Melissa read the terms of the lease to the Finance Committee and Select Board.  

Justin called Donna from Town Counsel during the meeting.  Justin explained the discussion to Donna reporting that the lease for the Fire Company was in question.  He said the Select Board and Finance Committee wanted to make sure that the money is effectuating public purpose and that there is a long-term agreement.  He discussed the terms of the lease should the Fire Company dissolve, and Susan clarified that the original lease would go month-to-month and the terms would still apply.  Donna said that the month-to-month lease would be problematic since it would not support Capital Improvements in the property.  Donna said that it would be helpful that the property would be awarded to the Town in the event the Fire Company were to dissolve.  Susan asked about issuing a new lease, and Donna said that this would present procurement issues, and explained that they would have to go through Chapter 30b steps.  She recommended that they have the appropriation and not turn the money over until a new lease was in place.  Susan said that the new lease could include stipulations for work completed on the Fire Company.  Melissa explained the process for how the funds would be distributed if the department went through the proper process.  

Susan discussed article 17 and the $30k, and outlined new language for the verbiage of the article.  Scott explained the process and recommended they add a clause in stating that the money would not be able to utilize the funds until the requirements of the new lease have been met.  Justin called Donna back and asked about the wording “contingent upon the agreement of a new lease between the Town and the Fire Company”. She agreed that this wording sounded legal.  Justin also asked Donna about once the Town Meeting approves monies to be spent is the Select Board able to stop the expenditure.  Donna explained that the Town Meeting appropriates the money and the decision to release those funds is up to the Select Board.   

Donna recommended the following wording: “Contingent upon the execution of a new lease agreement between the Town and Company with terms and conditions acceptable to the Select Board.”

Justin read the new verbiage of article 17 on the warrant.  Scott moved to approve the wording, Susan seconded.  Call a vote: Susan-yes, Justin-yes, Scott-yes.  

The Finance Committee supported the article as it was re-written.  Frank-yes, Ilene-yes.  

Susan said she would like to see article 26 re-inserted back into the Warrant.  The Select Board agreed to re-insert this article.  

Justin asked about how the budget would appear in the Warrant, and inquired if the percentages would remain in, and Ilene said that she agreed it should remain the same.  Justin said that he would recommend comparing annual budgetary expenses. 

Melissa asked about the $30k from the Transfer station.  Susan explained that the contract was an optional renewal and Casella turned down the contract.  Susan said that the contract is going to be a minimum of another $30k in comparison to what they were seeing in other towns.  Susan said they were trying to gather additional quotes.  Melissa said that the Transfer Station fees will increase to $126,661 on line 433.  

Ilene said they were going to do a budget briefing on May 2, 2023 and invited the Select Board to attend.  

The Finance Committee said they do not have any problems with article 6.  The Select Board said they supported article 6; Scott-yes, Susan-yes, Justin-yes.  3-0. The Finance Committee was in support of article 6; Frank-yes, Ilene-yes 2-0.  

The Finance Committee adjourned at 6:53pm.  Call a vote: Frank-yes, Ilene-yes.  

4. Discuss Town Meeting preparations

            The Select Board discussed any remaining questions and minor changes to the Warrant prior to signing, along with sections of the Warrant that will likely require explanations or additional information during the Annual Town Meeting.  

5. Town Administrator items:

a.     319 contract amendment

Justin made a motion to approve the amendment to the 319 contract for Hupi Rd grant.  Susan seconded. Call a vote: Scott-yes, Susan-yes, Justin-yes.

6. Unanticipated business

            Susan discussed how beginning approximately five years ago it became difficult to dispose of mattresses.  Susan reported that when Monterey re did their Transfer Station they purchased the required container for mattress disposal.  New Marlboro did not obtain a container for mattress disposal and was currently in need of a place to dispose of mattresses. 7:10pm   It was reported that an individual came from New Marlboro with five mattresses to dispose of at the Monterey Transfer Station after reportedly being informed by a former Select Board member that they could dispose of those mattresses in Monterey.  Susan said that the Monterey Transfer station does not have the staffing to be able to dispose of additional mattresses from other towns.  

Susan said that containers are currently available and the Monterey Transfer station does not have staff to continue to take mattresses from New Marlboro at this time.  Susan asked the Select Board about how to approach this situation.  Scott suggested a fee to dispose of the mattress but recommended that New Marlboro take responsibility for mattresses disposal in their town.  Justin suggested having a higher fee if an individual is attempting to dispose of mattresses from a different town.  Susan said the Transfer Station Employee should be taken into consideration, so they do not have to diffuse situations with the mattresses.  Susan suggested contacting someone from New Marlboro to inform them that the Monterey Select Board has concluded that 

Susan made a motion that the Select Board at this time believes that the Monterey Transfer station is for Monterey residents with a Monterey Transfer Sticker only.  Scott seconded.  Call a vote: Susan-yes, Scott-yes, Justin-no.  

Small communities grant contract  

Melissa reported that this was for the open space grant for $12,000 and Monterey is responsible for $3,000.  Justin made a motion to accept the Small Communities Grant Contract for the open space agreement where the Town will pay $3,000.  Susan seconded.  Call a vote: Susan-yes, Scott-yes, Justin-yes.   

Melissa asked the Select Board to sign the document for the Notary Insurance for the Town.  Justin moved to renew the Notaries Insurance for Notaries that work for the Town.  Susan seconded.  Call a vote: Justin-yes, Scott-yes, Susan-yes.  


Melissa announced that John Field Tree Company will not be renewing the contract because they would have to raise the rates by $400 per day.  Melissa and Jim will put the tree contract back out to bid.  Susan recommended trying to find a company with a longer contract.  

Susan asked if they would like her to draft a letter to New Marlboro.  The Select Board discussed having a conversation with Freddy regarding New Marlboro not being able to dispose of mattresses in Monterey due to not having a Monterey Transfer Sticker.  Susan will speak with Freddy and Bill regarding the issue.  

7. Comments & Questions from the public

            There were no comments or questions from the public.  

8. Approve Minutes of 3/29/23 and 4/4/23

The Select Board reviewed the minutes from 3/29/23. Justin made a motion to approve the minutes from 3/29/23 as amended. Susan seconded.  Call a vote: Justin- yes, Susan-yes, Scott abstained.

The Select Board signed the Town Meeting Warrant.  The next Select Board meeting will meet next week if needed.  

Justin made a motion to adjourn the meeting.  Susan seconded.  Call a vote: Justin-yes, Susan-yes, Scott-yes. Meeting adjourned at 7:32pm.  

Documents used at the meeting.

1.      Annual Town Meeting Warrant

2.     Small communities grant

3.     Notaries insurance for the Town