Lake Garfield Working Group Meeting Minutes 8/11/20

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, August 11, 2020

LGWG MINUTES – 8/11/20

  1. Discussion of impact of tropical storm Isiais on the lake health and whether anyone had anything specific to report. It was decided to invite Shannon Poulin (she performs the lake health testing during the summer) to our meeting on 9/14/20. Greg Carnese sent her an invite following the meeting. Dennis Lynch will ask the town health department if they do any separate lake health monitoring that could be shared with LGWG.
  1. The  604b grant application decision by the State in approving/denying the application should be received by sometime in September. It was noted that the $500 match from Town and FLG will still be required and Dennis will advise as to the specific purpose and to whom check should be made payable in the near future. He also noted that the next round of MVP funding will be released in the fall and we should further discuss that issue  moving forward.
  1. DASH bid status – Draft bid documentation referencing areas from phase 1 and 2 from last bid contract has been delivered to Melissa Noe, Administrative Assistant. TAt the next select board meeting on 8/19/20, the board will review and is expected to vote to release the bid package on or about 8/20 with proposals from prospective bidders due back by 9/9/20. It is expected that the prospective bidders will have an opportunity to get out on the lake and assess the milfoil areas prior to bidding. The LGWG will review bid proposals at meeting on 9/14/20 and submit report and/or recommendation to select board to consider for decision awarding contract thereafter.

Steve Snyder, current chair of Parks Commission reported that concerns pertaining to town beach use and COVID related issues  and concerns of Select Board and Department of health will be discussed at Select Board meeting on 8/19/20.