Cultural Council Meeting Minutes 6/15/2020

Meeting date: 
Monday, June 15, 2020

Cultural Council Meeting Minutes                        Submitted 6/30/20

Meeting date:  Monday, June 15, 2020

Minutes Cultural Council Meeting- 6/15/20

In Attendance:

Maggie Barkin

Wendy Germain

Dorene Beller

Janet Jensen

Carole Clarin

Our meeting began at 4:00 pm

It was unanimously agreed that Maggie Barkin will serve as Chair to the Cultural Council and Janet Jensen will serve as Co-Chair.


Topic #1 

How can we adapt our work to serve those who have been awarded grants in 2020? How to encourage participation in the application process for 2021?


Check out this link on the Massachusetts Cultural Council's website

-- Guidance for Local Cultural Councils and their Grantees in Response to COVID-19. 

Here is the link:


Topic #2

Future projects:

Next month's meeting will focus on creating an event that alerts members of our community to the opportunities the Cultural Council offers. 

In Closing: Thank you for your energy and enthusiasm. While we may not agree about everything, I think it is more important to be diverse so that we meet the needs of as many members of our Monterey community as possible.


Submitted by Maggie Barkin, Chair of the Monterey Cultural Council


Our next meeting is on July 13, 2020 at the Gazebo at 4:00 pm. 

All are welcome and we suggest you bring your own chair.