Community Center Committee Meeting Agenda 10/15/2020

Thursday, October 15, 2020 - 5:00pm

      Committee / Board Name: Monterey Community Center Program


      Date of Meeting: October 15, 2020

      Time of meeting (am/pm): 5 pm

      Location of Meeting: Remote Meeting


Agenda items to be discussed:

Goal - To decorate Monterey town center with colorful lights that reflect the upcoming end of year season.

1. Establish a working group including current MCC Program Committee members and other interested Montereyans who may wish to join the working group and select a name for the program activity such as Monterey Bright Lights.

2. Develop an action plan including but not limited to:

                determine the current availability of lights/decorations from property owners,

                determine how many lights/decorations need to be purchased

                determine how much money is needed for the purchase of new lights/decorations

                discuss the possibility of a Monterey Cultural Council grant

                discuss the need for donations of lights

                select a target date for a Monterey lighting ceremony in coordination with the Library

                discuss other ideas from working group members Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 936 2380 2274

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