Parade Committee Meeting Minutes 3/24/22

Meeting date: 
Thursday, March 24, 2022

Parade Committee meeting minutes

Location: Library conference room, and Zoom

Date/time: Thursday 3/24, 5:00 PM

Members present: Justin Makuc

Members present remotely: Tom Sawyer, Ilene Marcus

Public present remotely: Olivia Tuttle


  • Approve meeting minutes: 3/10/22

Justin reported that the 3/10/22 minutes are still in draft form. He will have them ready for next meeting.

  • Guest: Olivia Tuttle from Hume New England

Olivia is a representative from Hume. Hume is volunteering to cook and serve the hotdogs. Olivia agreed to ask Hume if they can cook the hotdogs at Hume and wrap them in aluminum foil and bring them down to the Fire Station. If that is not possible, arrangements will be made to cook the hot dogs at the Fire Station.

Hume is also planning on having at least one vehicle in the parade.

  • Review Parade program outline/draft

Ilene will have a draft program prepared for next meeting. Ilene said that she is planning on a tri-fold design. If it is printed in color, the colors will coordinate with the 175th logo design. Ilene may reach out to Julie Shapiro or Maureen Banner for graphic design assistance.

  • Town picture after parade

Justin reported that he talked to Shawn Tryon about taking the picture from the ladder truck. Shawn was receptive to the idea and thought it would be a good idea to do a trial run prior to the event to figure out a good set-up. Justin will likely take the picture from the ladder truck since he is trained to climb the ladder. It was agreed that a cell phone camera can take a picture of sufficient quality.

The committee also discussed the potential for a drone shot, likely to happen at the start of the parade as groups gather and begin marching. Olivia will reach out to a connection she has to see if they are willing to do the drone photography.

  • Expenses including hot dogs, soda, ice cream, wreaths, bagpiper

Justin reported that he has called and emailed the bagpiper reference and has not received a response. The committee agreed to still try to pursue a bagpiper for the parade. Ilene offered to ask the Google Group to try to find a bag piper.

Tom will order the traditional wreaths. Tom will take charge of purchasing hot dogs, buns, and condiments. Tom will purchase aluminum foil for wrapping the hot dogs if it is needed.

The committee discussed ice cream. It was agreed to purchase 200 pre-packaged ice creams rather than hiring the ice cream man.

  • Parade floats and groups marching

All confirmed floats and groups marching should be sent to Ilene as she compiles the draft program.

Ilene will send an email requesting participation from Town committees and groups. Parade committee members will also ask groups to participate in the parade.

  • All parade logistics

The parade will begin to gather around 12:30 PM on May 30th at the intersection of Main Road (Route 23) and Sandisfield Road. The parade will begin marching at 1:00 PM, will stop in the center of Town for a ceremony, and will continue to the Fire Station where hot dogs and ice cream will be served and the Town picture will be taken.

  • Service at Veterans Memorial (corner of Route 23 and Blue Hill Road) in the morning

Justin reached out to Julio Rodriguez who confirmed that he will be organizing this memorial service as usual.

  • Date/time/agenda for next meeting

The next meeting will be on April 7th at 5PM in the Monterey Library and on Zoom.

Meeting adjourned at 6 PM.