Parade Committee Meeting Minutes 4/7/22

Meeting date: 
Thursday, April 7, 2022

Parade Committee meeting minutes

Location: Town Hall meeting room, and Zoom

Date/time: Thursday April 7, 5:00 PM

Members present in Town Hall: Justin Makuc

Members present remotely: Tom Sawyer, Ilene Marcus

Also present remotely: Olivia Tuttle

  • Approve meeting minutes: 3/10/22, 3/24/22

The Committee agreed to approve the minutes of 3/10/22 and 3/24/22 as drafted.

  • Review Parade program outline/draft

The Committee reviewed the first draft of the parade program. The program will include the logo of the 175th anniversary group, and it will be distributed on the day of the parade.

  • Parade floats and groups marching

The Committee agreed to reach out to the 175th anniversary group and see if there will be a banner for the whole year. If there is the banner, it could be part of the parade and then used at other events throughout the year to provide some continuity.

  • All parade logistics (bagpiper, Town picture, ice cream, etc.)

Olivia has a potential connection of someone who can provide the bagpipes. The budget for the bagpiper has previously been $150, but we are saving money on ice cream and may have more money available for a bag piper.

  • Date/time/agenda for next meeting

The Committee agreed to hold its next meeting on 4/21/22, 5pm, at the Library and remotely on Zoom.

Meeting adjourned at 5:45PM