Planning Board Meeting Agenda 10/26/2023

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Meeting date: 
Thursday, October 26, 2023

Minutes of Planning Board 10/26/2023

Present: Tom Sawyer, Chip Allen, Laura Mensi, Margy Abbott, Lauren Behrman, Roger Tryon

Mort Solomon, Lauren Behrman

Meeting called to order at 7:05

1.32 Laurel Bank : Property in the lake shore district. Owner wants to build deck 10 ft to replace collapsing deck 7 ft. Grandfathered in as a non-conforming property. Deck doesn’t encroach on neighbor’s property. Applied for a building permit and was rejected. This structure would increase the non-conformity of the structure and would be less than 40 feet from the estimated mean annual high-water line. Conservation commission didn’t have a problem with it.  The Planning Board recommends approving it. It’s non-conforming and within the 40 ft high water line. It increases the non-conformity, but changes are minor and we do not have a problem with it.

2. Master Plan Implementation discussion 

During the last PB meeting we went over all of implementation schedule, and we agreed to move forward.  What projects are       the planning board responsible to follow up on?  Which ones are fully in our purview?

Discussion re: the renewable energy resource group and the placement of the solar field. We need to take the Fox Hill Road designated property off the bylaw as a by-right  area, and add the Old Transfer Station Property.  When we resubmit, that bylaw change to town meeting, we can remove the Fox Hill Road property and add the Old Transfer Station Property so we can be eligible for Green Community designation.

Discussion Re: Workforce housing. May need a bylaw change to allow usage of land in different districts. 

Consider Construct to educate us and evaluate possibilities. The Planning Board may run with this project.

Open space survey coming up:  get more detail about town’s thinking about town owned Fox Hill Road Property. Offer ideas for questions.

Planning board to get started on the CPA process. We need to find out what it takes to apply and put it on the warrant for the town meeting.  On the next PB agenda. Becket and West Stockbridge have both passed CPA.  The first task is to begin research on the CPA and how we get funding.

Possible project choice- enhancing the business district.

3. Unanticipated Business

Tree warden, Kevin West surveyed trees, recommending trimming of shade trees, and taking down ash trees, This requires us to have a public hearing, which he will take place at a planning board meeting. Trees designated for removal on Tyringham road are marked in yellow.

Approval of Sign for Roadside Store: Property is in the Ag-Res District. Planning board can approve a special permit. Lauren made a motion to approve the sign. Margy-seconded. Grandfathered business so can be subject to     the bylaws of the business district. All approved of the sign.

4. Correspondence

    None to review.

5. Approval of minutes

Margy made a motion to approve the minutes from 10/12/23, Lauren seconded.  Call a vote:  Tom-yes, Laura-yes, Lauren-yes, Roger-yes, Chip-yes, Margy-yes, Mort-yes.  

Lauren motioned to adjourn at 8:22. Laura Seconded.

Meeting adjourned at 8:22