Planning Board Meeting Minutes 10/12/2023

Meeting date: 
Thursday, October 12, 2023
Planning Board Meeting
Minutes of the Planning Board Meeting
Minutes of the meeting 10/12/23
Meeting Date: Thursday October 12, 2023
Meeting Opened at 7:05 pm
Planning Board members present: Laura Mensi, Margy Abbott, Lauren Berhman, Chip Allen,
Mort Salomon
Planning Board Members present remotely: None.
Planning Board members absent: Roger Tyron, Tom Sawyer
Also Present: Laurie McArthur (sb secretary)
Also present remotely: none
Call to Order 7:05 pm
1. Master Plan Implementation discussion 
Laura recommended starting with Open Space Recommendations. Laura said
that they would need to apply for CPA. Margy said that this is relevant because it
affects housing and open space. She said that she thought this may have been
a suggestion in the 2003 version. Lauren asked if they need to consider whether
a task force would be necessary to work with. Laura said that Tom
recommended going through as much as they were able to tonight. Lauren
suggested that they speak with Seth as recommended by Mort. Lauren said that
they will need to have a small tax increase.
Laura asked how the Open Space Projects will work together, since there is one
committee that is already running and another committee starting. The OSRP
meets once a month, there is an open forum on November 15 th at the Library,
where they will elaborate on the questions that people have asked. Margy said
the entire project needs to be submitted by June 30, 2024. Margy said that
Becket, Stockbridge, and Williamstown are ahead of Monterey at this time for the
Open Space Plan. Margy said that the survey will get specific regarding what
individuals are doing and participating in outside. She discussed questions, such
as how funds will be used, and how open space will be preserved. The survey
asked what individuals are willing to do to help preserve the Open Space. Margy
will connect with Seth to ask several questions pertaining to the Open Space
Plan and the Complete Streets.
Margy discussed the Complete Streets topic. She mentioned the need for safe
travel in the roadway for walking and biking.
Laura said that there was no space to have a bike path in the center of Town
unless property or buildings were disrupted. Mort discussed concerns on
Tyringham road with limited space for a bike path or walkway. The Planning
Board discussed the bike lane on route 23 in Gt. Barrington where the recent
road work occurred. Margy will ask Seth about the Preservation Act and Laura
will look into it through BRPC.
The second category was the Development of a Committee or plan to maintain
Town Trails. Laura reported that they have one trail in town and said that they
will put some signage up. Laura said they could recommend maintenance of the
trail. Mort asked if it should be a Town responsibility or a volunteer situation.
The Planning Board discussed who would hold responsibility for the
maintenance. Margy listed the various properties in the Town, and the Planning
Board discussed who maintained the various areas. Margy clarified that the
Parks Commission contracted out for trail maintenance. Laura will discuss
maintenance with Tom through the Parks Commission.
Laura said they need info on the Community Preservation act and how to move
Goal 2- Environmental
Laura said that much of this goal was in process already. The Planning
Board is working on getting the new bylaw in place. Laura asked who was
getting the energy from the Solar Panels. Mort clarified that it said for
“community benefit” but said that they needed more information. Mort said that
there was a discussion held regarding individuals who may need assistance with
their energy bills, but additional information would be needed.
Lauren said that they should define short and medium time frames for
clarification. Mort defined long as 5-20 years, short was defined at 1-year, and
medium was defined as 1-5 years. Mort said that the bylaw will need to be
passed on section 2.2. Mort said he will speak with Rob Hoogs and Peter Murket.
The route 23 culvert is current a work in process. The pollinator program is
currently in process, and they are working with the Parks Department. There is a
program located at the Town Beach and some plants have been placed in
Bidwell Park. Mort inquired about the Curtis Rd. culvert project.
The green designation will be an ongoing project. Chip asked who would work
on the grant. Margy clarified that this goal has to do with energy. She said that
there is a grant offered for this project and read the criteria. Laura will look into
this one.
The Planning Board discussed the dark sky bylaw, and Margy suggested the
idea of saying “shielded lighting”. Mort suggested looking into the impact of
building cost and how this will affect dark sky lighting. Mort will look into this.
The Planning Board discussed ideas to help with lighting issues to ensure safety,
while ensuring that there was not harsh light being emitted. Margy shared an
article that outlined proper lighting vs excessive lighting.
Evaluate private road drainage in light of increased runoff- Laura said that the
Town does not tend to private roads as of this time.
Goal 3- discusses downtown revitalization, farmers market, evaluate restaurants
and store businesses.
2. Unanticipated Business
4. Correspondence
There were no correspondence this week.
5. Approval of minutes
Lauren made a motion to approve the minutes from 10/5/2023 as amended. Chip
seconded. Call a vote: Laura-yes, Mort-yes, Chip-yes, Margy-yes, Lauren-yes
The Planning Board voted to unanimously adjourn the meeting. The Planning Board
meeting was adjourned at 8:05.