Planning Board Meeting Minutes 1/26/23

Meeting date: 
Thursday, January 26, 2023


Minutes of the Meeting 1/26/23


Meeting Date: Thursday, January 26, 2023 - 7:00pm

Meeting opened at 7:01pm

Planning Board members present: Tom Sawyer, Laura Mensi, Margy Abbott, Roger Tryon, Noel Wicke, Chip Allen

Planning Board members present remotely: Lauren Behrman

Other individuals present: Seth

Also Present Remotely: Laurie McArthur (SB secretary).  Allan Telio

Call to order at 7:01pm




  1. ZBA  121 Pixley road

The Planning Board reviewed the letter from the ZBA regarding the porch that was built at 121 Pixley Rd.  The Planning Board sent their recommendation to the ZBA, outlining how the new structure was larger thus increasing non-conformity to the bylaws.  Laura made a motion, Lauren seconded.  Call a vote- Tom- yes, Laura- yes, Margy- yes, Roger- yes, Noel- yes

  1. Master Plan input and logistics.

Seth provided an update pertaining to the Master Plan survey and the logistics of the individuals in town who have completed the survey.  The Planning Board discussed the number of full-time resident’s vs second homeowners.  Seth reported that they are approximately halfway through the survey.  Lauren provided an update about the Monterey news article.  The Planning Board answered several questions that Allan posed regarding the Master Plan survey.  Tom said that the goal is to complete the Master Plan survey and follow through with the results, which previously had been a concern from residents in town.  Seth said that it will be important to let the other groups know that this will be the guiding document. 

  1. Approve Minutes

The Planning Board reviewed the minutes of the meeting from 1/12/23.  Laura made a motion to approve the minutes from 1/12//23.  Roger seconded.  Call a vote- Tom- yes, Laura- yes, Margy- yes, Roger- yes, Noel- yes, Lauren- yes

The Planning Board reviewed the minutes of the meeting from 12/1/22.  Lauren made a motion to approve the minutes from 12/1/22.  Roger seconded.  Call a vote- Tom- yes, Laura- yes, Margy- yes, Roger- yes, Noel- yes, Lauren- yes

The Planning Board reviewed the minutes of the meeting from 10/20/22.  Laura made a motion to approve the minutes from 10/20/22.  Lauren seconded.  Call a vote- Tom- yes, Laura- yes, Margy- yes, Roger- yes, Noel- yes, Lauren- yes

The Planning Board reviewed the minutes of the meeting from 08/11/22.  Roger made a motion to approve the minutes from 08/11/22.  Laura seconded.  Call a vote- Tom- yes, Laura- yes, Margy- yes, Roger- yes, Noel- yes, Lauren- yes

The Planning Board reviewed the minutes of the meeting from 8/25/22.  Laura made a motion to approve the minutes from 8/25/22.  Lauren seconded.  Call a vote- Tom- yes, Laura- yes, Margy- yes, Roger- yes, Noel- yes, Lauren- yes

The Planning Board reviewed the minutes of the meeting from 7/28/22.  Laura made a motion to approve the minutes from 7/28/22.  Lauren seconded.  Call a vote- Tom- yes, Laura- yes, Margy- yes, Roger- yes, Noel- yes, Lauren- yes

The Planning Board reviewed the minutes of the meeting from 5/26/22.  Lauren made a motion to approve the minutes from 5/26/22.  Laura seconded.  Call a vote- Tom- yes, Laura- yes, Margy- yes, Roger- yes, Noel- yes, Lauren- yes

The Planning Board reviewed the minutes of the meeting from 3/24/22.  Laura made a motion to approve the minutes from 3/24/22.  Lauren seconded.  Call a vote- Tom- yes, Laura- yes, Margy- yes, Roger- yes, Noel- yes, Lauren- yes

  1. Correspondence

Laura sent the correspondence to all members of the Planning Board.  Lauren discussed the correspondence regarding receiving assistance from the Berkshire Regional Planning Board.  Tom spoke with Seth about this, and it was decided to keep this in consideration for next year after the Master Plan has been in effect and being able to make a request for some of the funds being offered. The Planning Board discussed preparing for this opportunity and working it into the future Master Plan. 

Tom reported that the Town received funding to continue with the Hume Case. 

Lauren made a motion to adjourn the meeting.   Laura seconded. Call a vote- Tom- yes, Laura- yes, Margy- yes, Roger- yes, Noel- yes, Lauren- yes, Chip- yes

Documents used at the meeting

  • Letter drafted to the Monterey ZBA