Planning Board Meeting Minutes

Meeting date: 
Thursday, May 11, 2023

Minutes of the Planning Board Meeting

Minutes of the meeting 5/11/23

Meeting Date: Thursday May 11, 2023

Meeting Opened at 7:05pm

Planning Board Member present: Laura Mensi, Margy Abbott, Roger Tyron

Planning Board members present remotely: Tom Sawyer, Chip Allen

Also Present: Seth Jenkins, Justin Makuc

Also present remotely: Laurie McArthur (SB secretary)

Call to Order 7:05pm


  1. Planning Assistance Grant

Seth from BRPC was here to present a grant that tied into the Master Plan work.  Seth reported that at the meeting they identified several projects that may be eligible for grant opportunities.  Seth said he has information on the Mass DOT complete streets program.  Seth said that gathered information about the program and reported that the transportation planner said that they should be eligible for the planning assistance grant.  

The housing related grant was another grant he reviewed.  This grant had a shorter turn around, and there is no match requirement.  Seth said that the likelihood of receiving this grant was better and there was a shorter application.  This grant could be for a revision to a housing zone, creating a housing zone, or the central business overlay zone.  Seth will share both grant options with the Planning Board members. 

Tom inquired about the necessary steps to take to apply for the grant and proceed with the process.  Seth said that with the DOT option, they would find someone to complete the training and then work with someone for technical assistance.  Seth said that there is not as much competition for the complete streets grant; however, with the one-stop grant they would have to talk with the Select Board.  The one-stop plan has a deadline of June 30th, 2023.  Seth reiterated that this grant is geared towards increasing housing.  

Tom suggested that they finish the Master Plan while considering these options, and then decide which to present to the Select Board based on the findings of the Master Plan.  Seth clarified that the clean streets program was funded by Mass DOT.  Roger agreed to complete the Master Plan prior to moving onto other options.  Tom suggested listing the grant options in the recommendation section of the Master Plan.  Justin asked what the end goal would be to further studying housing and transportation. 

Seth said the grant could be used to study re-doing the zoning codes to try and increase units per acre, or they could study the site behind Town Hall.  Justin expressed concerns that smaller zoning codes may be voted against at the Town Meeting.  The Planning Board discussed the options presented by Seth, and Tom recommended continuing forward with the Master Plan prior to continuing onto the next steps.  

Seth discussed the Chapter 40b, where 10 percent of the housing stock needs to be affordable.  If the Town does not meet the 10 percent threshold, then a developer could come in and there is the possibility of expedited site review.  There would have to be 50 units in Monterey that are considered affordable.  The Planning Board discussed considerations for affordable housing vs workforce housing.  

  1. 30 Prescott Ln special permit

Tom presented the plans for the 30 Prescott Ln special permit.  Tom reported that there is a request to tear down an existing house and rebuild a new structure.  It is currently an existing non-conforming lot.  The request is for a new building that is not increasing the conformity of the structure or property.  The Planning Board reviewed the site plan for the proposed structure vs the original structure and reviewed the bylaws for said zoning requirements.  Tom reported that the structure was within the required limits but was unsure if the height may be problematic for views of the lake.  Tom recommended noting to the ZBA that the new structure would be taller than the existing structure but reported that the structure conformed with the existing bylaws.  Tom read his response for the ZBA to the Planning Board, and they agreed that it appropriately expressed concerns and got the point across. 

Roger made a motion to send the letter to the zoning board.  Laura seconded.  Call a vote: Laura-yes, Tom-yes, Roger-yes, Chip-yes, Margy-yes. 

  1. Master Plan working session

Seth reviewed the Master Plan work with the Planning Board.  He recommended they chose a photo for the Master Plan.  Seth reported that in Windsor they placed a couple of photo collages in their document and was wondering if the Planning Board would like to have a similar presentation.  He also inquired about how the Planning Board would like to incorporate citations, whether it be foot notes or end notes.  Seth asked if there is a more logical order for forums and surveys at the beginning of the document.  Finally, the Planning Board would hold a public review session and after choosing a date to review this with the Town then they could hold a final meeting where they could vote on adopting the Master Plan. Margy inquired about the final deadline for the project and discussed concerns about the Master Plan being complete by June 3rd for the tentative date and suggested moving the date to June 17th.  Tom suggested having a tentative date of June 17th for the public forum at the library. 

The Planning Board agreed to put the survey at the end of the document and suggested to utilize end notes.  The Planning Board agreed to utilize the photo collage in the document, and Seth will create a folder with the images.  The Planning Board continued with reviewing and editing the Master Plan document with members making suggestions for changes to the document.  

  1. Correspondence

The Planning Board discussed the correspondence from the Town of Gt. Barrington notice of decision for the special permit while discussing the zoning for 30 Prescott Lane.  

  1. Unanticipated business

Tom reported that the bylaw passed during the Town Meeting.  

  1. Approval of minutes

Laura made a motion to approve the minutes.  Chip seconded.  Call a vote: Tom-yes, Chip-yes, Roger-yes, Margy-yes, Laura-yes.  

Laura made a motion to adjourn the Planning Board meeting.  Chip seconded.  Call a vote: Tom-yes, Chip-yes, Roger-yes, Margy-yes, Laura-yes.  Meeting adjourned at 9:08pm.

Documents used at the meeting:

  1. Town of Gt. Barrington notice of decision of special permit