Planning Board Meeting Minutes 3/23/23

Meeting date: 
Thursday, March 23, 2023

Minutes of the Meeting 3/23/23

Meeting Date: Thursday, March 23, 2023

Meeting opened at 7:02 pm

Planning Board members present remotely: Tom Sawyer, Laura Mensi, Roger Tryon, Lauren Behrman, Chip Allen

Other individuals present:

Also Present Remotely: Laurie McArthur (SB secretary), Donna Brewer

Call to order at 7:02 pm



  1. Zoning Bylaw Procedures review with Town Council

Tom reported that there was believed to be an error in the table of uses in the current bylaw.  Tom reported that Susan Cooper did some research regarding the status of camps in Monterey and found an error regarding year-round camps where something was allowed in one district, but not in others. Donna discussed how zoning bylaws are adopted or amended and reported that there was a process to submit it to the Select Board.  The Select Board then has 14 days to refer it to the Planning Board, The Planning Board then holds a public hearing.  Prior to the hearing the Planning Board must publish in the newspaper for at least two consecutive weeks prior to the public hearing.  Donna identified the other parties that need to be notified.  Once the public hearing is open, the aim would be to discuss the text presented by the Select Board and make any changes deemed appropriate.  From here the Planning Board will create a text that they would make for the Town Meeting.  Either they create a report or 21 days must pass.  The Town meeting would vote on the zoning law amendment, which would require 2/3 vote.  If it passes at Town Meeting the Town Clerk would create a form for the attorney general with the information and submit this to the Attorney General who would then have to approve the bylaw prior to it becoming effective.  Donna discussed how to proceed if the bylaw has been approved.  Donna discussed the issue Susan found regarding year-round camps, and Donna worked with Susan regarding whether the issue in the bylaw had been approved in Town Meeting and by the Attorney General.  Donna discussed the course of action that would need to be taken and presented options for either updating or correcting the bylaw.  Donna said that if the bylaw did need to be corrected, then there is enough time to get it on the upcoming warrant. 

Tom clarified what happened with the bylaw, and Donna said that she believed there was one approved in 2012.  Tom reported that he understood there to be an error in the table posted in the 2012 version, and recommended they confirm that this was the error.  Donna said if they want to correct the error, then the Planning Board will go the Select Board with an amendment, and the Select Board would refer it back to the Planning Board, from here the notice would go out for the public hearing.

Donna said that it could be an oral report at Town Meeting.  Lauren asked how much time is needed to get it on the Warrant.  Donna said that they do have time to put together a warrant article and explained the wording.  Donna said that if the Planning Board decided they did not want to make change, then they would leave it as is.  Tom said that the Planning Board will move forward with amending the bylaw.  Tom asked Donna if she believed this was an error or intended.  Tom encouraged the Board to go review the 2009 version, which has everything that was translated into a table.  Donna recommended comparing this to the 2012 version. 

Tom said they need to formally decide if they are going to proceed. 

Lauren made a motion to correct the bylaw.  Chip Seconded. Call a vote: Chip-yes, Roger-yes, Tom-yes, Lauren-yes, Laura-yes. 

Tom said that he will start the process and gather the information to write the letter to the Select Board. 

  1. Master Plan Work

Lauren asked if the Master Plan would be ready prior to the Town Meeting in order to get it on the Warrant.The Planning Board said that they were not sure if would be ready to be on the Warrant, but there was a possibility.Tom asked that the Planning Board members review the the Master Plan between now and the next meeting, so they are able to make suggestions at the first April meeting.


  1. Unanticipated business

Lauren asked where the public hearing regarding the Gould Farm roadside site plan would be, and Tom reported that it would be held at 7pm at the Town Hall.  Lauren asked if there needed to be a quorum, and Tom confirmed this. 

  1. Correspondence
  1. The Planning Board members were provided with the letter sent to the Department Heads.  The Planning Board also received a correspondence back from the Police Chief regarding the Gould Farm Café, a notification from White Engineering Incorporated, and a notice from the Town of Tyringham regarding a date change for a public hearing. 
  1. Approval of past minutes

No minutes were approved at this meeting. 

Lauren made a motion to adjourn.  Laura seconded. Call a vote: Chip-yes, Roger-yes, Tom-yes, Lauren-yes, Laura-yes.  Meeting adjourned at 7:34pm


Documents used at the meeting

  1. Letter to the department heads
  2. Letter from Police Chief regarding The Gould Farm Café
  3. Notification of Chapter 91 Simplified Waterways license from White Engineering Inc. , along with public notice and dock plans. 
  4. Town of Tyringham notice of public hearing date change