Planning Board Meeting Minutes 3/9/23

Meeting date: 
Thursday, March 9, 2023

Minutes of the Meeting 3/9/23

Meeting Date: Thursday, March 9, 2023

Meeting opened at 7:03 pm

Planning Board members present: Tom Sawyer, Laura Mensi, Roger Tryon, Margy Abbott

Planning Board members present remotely: Lauren Behrman

Other individuals present: Lisanne Finston, Mark Lebasseur (Forsight), Zach Culbert, Mary Makuc

Also Present Remotely: Seth Jenkins, Laurie McArthur (SB secretary)

Call to order at 7:03 pm


  1. Gould Farm Roadside Cafe and Store Building and Site Plan Review Application/Schematic Plans

Tom reported that they have 90 days from submission before they will be able to start construction.  Tom explained the process and reported they would have to schedule a public meeting prior to moving forward with the project.  The Planning Board discussed scheduling a meeting for 3 weeks out in March.  Zach provided an overview of the architectural plans for the Gould Farm Roadside Café and Store Building and Site Plan review.  He reported that one of the existing structures would be demolished and a new café would be built to replace it.  The new structure would include a dining room, store capacity, and kitchen capacity.  They are working on the design required parking and roadside clearance.  He showed the Planning Board maps of the existing site.  The new site plan proposed a small median since the current plan shows the road being right next to the building.  Zach reported that a new well will need to be drilled to increase the drinking supply in order to allow for an extension of seating. 

Mark discussed the new wetland survey, and he reported that they will be replicating some of the disturbed wetlands on site.  Zach showed where this would occur on the site plan.  Zach discussed how the erosion from a storm would impact the area and reported that it would remain on site.  Zach discussed the septic area and the existing easement and reported that they are targeting 40 seats for guests.  Sam discussed the indoor and outdoor seating plans along with the capacity and reported that outdoor seating is now included in the total seat count.  Tom inquired about how the number for the seating capacity was gathered.  Zach discussed how the parking was taken into consideration regarding the seating, providing charts to the Planning Board which explored the parking in addition to the other plans.  Tom discussed additional considerations for overflow parking.  Mark discussed additional potential areas to park.  Tom asked if the 40 was for patrons or seats, and they reported it was for patrons.  Tom strongly recommended they continue to investigate the overflow parking.  Tom inquired about solar panels in the future, and Zach reported that the roof was eligible for solar panels in the future.  Tom said they will attempt to get the notices into the boxes on Monday 3/13/23.  Sam reported that the contractor projected the start date to be when a building permit was obtained.  The next planning board meeting will be tentatively scheduled for the 30th of March along with a public hearing on the same day.  This would provide the planning board with two weeks to advertise in the Berkshire Eagle.  Tom reported that if they do not act withing 90 days then it is automatically approved.  Seth reported that 90 days would be June 7th, 2023.  The Planning Board and Office Assistant will write the notice for the Berkshire Eagle.  Zach inquired about a bylaw in special use regulations that said it is a 200ft buffer setback for religious institutions.  Zach was wondering who they talk to in order to get relief from that bylaw, since it is an existing condition.  Zach asked if they need to go to the ZBA to discuss the bylaw, and Tom said that he will investigate it, but it would likely be the case to appear in front of the ZBA.  Mark reported that there is an existing special permit for the signs. 

Tom identified all of the department heads that the documents would have to be distributed to in the town. 

Seth said that he reviewed the clause in the bylaw and inquired if it would be an educational use.  Tom said it could be debated since it would be a restaurant and possibly an educational use due to the Mission of Gould Farm.  Seth said that it could become an issue if someone brought it up at a meeting. 

  1. Master Plan Draft review

Seth said that he obtained some images from the Planning Board and was hopeful that members were able to identify which images they would like to include.  Seth summarized a discussion with Melissa regarding whether the Master Plan included a recreation plan, which it did not.  Seth reported that there is an RFP from the state that would include that type of plan.  He discussed a grant that the town could apply for; however, the town would be required to provide a partial match to the grant of $2000 to $3,000.  Seth explained the process to accomplish the project and how to utilize the funds.  Seth offered the Planning Board the option of asking the town if they would like to commit to the grant requiring the financial match.  Tom asked if this was just a question or if there was another reason for inquiring about the money.  Seth described how this process had worked in the Town of Lee.  Laura asked if the open space plan was the one they were considering or if there was another recreation plan they were looking at.  Seth said there is no current existing open space recreation plan in Monterey.  Seth said that there is a seven- year shelf life for the plan.  Tom offered to speak with Melissa to see what the motivation was and if there was another grant to look into. 

Seth said that he was looking at the plant map at the Community Center and noticed there was a house on the same property.  The Planning Board discussed how the house was the Bally Gally house which did receive rent for the town. 

Tom asked if it would make sense to publish the results on the website so individuals could look at them.  Seth said it would be good to place the charts on the website but refrain from putting the comments online.  Tom asked Seth to send it to Melissa to add to the website to increase openness.  Tom reported that the PDF has all the results from the survey and individuals could look at it online.  Seth pointed out areas where individuals chose to skip a question on the Master Survey.  The Planning Board discussed their interpretations of the survey.  

Seth discussed how to look at the results and identify ways to filter results to show only what certain residents or categories displayed.  Seth offered to help filter the charts to show the Planning board and the town a different representation of the population.  Tom agreed that this may be beneficial.  Tom identified categories that he would like to see and review through a filter.  Tom recommended holding a meeting in early April on just parsing the data. 

Laura identified several discrepancies, such as not wanting high taxes, but wanting the roads to be improved upon.  Margy asked about the comments, and Seth reported that they were in a different section in the Excel file.  Seth said that there is another excel sheet that has all the data from the survey, should someone want to do even more analysis.  Tom requested a copy from Seth.  Seth will send this to Tom and Laura and reported that it has all of the information survey money utilizes to collect and organize data. 

  1. Master Plan review of community focus groups, final survey and comments.

Tom discussed the housing section, reporting that there were a total of 1219 total taxable properties with 91 tax exempt properties.  The information included housing values, and Tom expressed his surprise at the figures.  Seth reviewed his figures, and expressed his surprise at how many individuals rented their houses.  Seth reported that ten percent of individuals rented their homes in Monterey. 

Tom said that the section on broadband may need some cleaning up, which Seth agreed to.  Seth requested an invitation to the April meeting and said that if they need anything else to just contact him.  Tom said to plan on tentatively meeting on April 13th for the Planning Board. 

  1. Monterey Community Parking Variance Request
  2. explained how individuals tried to come up with parking for state regulations to meet the criteria for the occupancy permit.  It was reported that there were 2 handicap spots, nine spots on the top of the hill, and room for seven compact cars around the circle.  There was discussion on whether additional parking was needed at the time.  Now the Community Center is working to put up a pavilion, and they reported that Don T. was updating the Community Center about the regulations.  It was reported that the parking may need to be improved due to pavilion, and the Community Center was requesting the ability to refrain from improving the parking at this time due to budgetary concerns. 

Tom checked the bylaws and said that he did not recall seeing a site plan.Tom reported that they would have probably required a building permit and then Don would have recommended a site plan.Mary reported that Joe Baker had historical facts, but only recalled conversations.Tom recommended reviewing the bylaw, the parking standards, space size, and minimal spaces required together.Tom asked the Planning Board what category they felt this fell into.The Planning Board reviewed the bylaw and agreed that that it fell into the educational category.Tom said that he struggled to place it into a category but said he could see their point about it fitting into an educational category.Mary discussed the square footage (approximately 628ft) in the main room, and said that she was not sure if the entire useable space equaled 700sq ft.Mary said that at one time they had 49 individuals in the room; however, reported that it was highly unusual to have more than 30 individuals in the room at one time. Tom looked for a gross square footage for the Community Center, and reported that it was approximately 2,000sq ft.Tom reported that the Community Center was looking a relief for the number of parking spaces.Mary reported that they were planning to build in parking while working on their five-year plan.Tom said that based on the square footage, approximately 16-17 parking spaces were required.Tom said that he would recommend granting the variance with the condition that someone is available to help individuals park.Tom said that if they are receiving grant money for the pavilion, then they should consider how to incorporate the parking required for the pavilion and work this information into the plan.Tom asked the Planning Board on the motion, and they agreed with what Tom had said.Margy discussed how additional space will be required even with having only a tent, and shared that Don was presenting what was in line with the bylaws.Tom inquired about waiting until a building permit was obtained but recommended that the Community Center continue to take the appropriate steps.Tom said that it may be premature to grant a variance since there is not a building permit yet.Tom recommended clarifying with Don whether a permit was needed for the tent, and then if needed they could come back to the Planning Board.

  1. Correspondence
    1. Letter from Shannon Boomsma Re: Notification of Chapter 91Simplified Waterways License, Dock Plans, and Public Notice
  2. Other Business

It was reported that the ZBA and Planning Board will have upcoming vacancies.  Noel is on the ConCom and will be departing the Planning Board at the end of her term.  It was reported that a week from today would be the deadline to get onto the ballot since the individual needed to claim their paper.  Tom reported that if they found someone after the election, they could make a request to the Select Board to appoint someone.  Margy showed the Planning Board the open slot for a five-year term.  Tom reported that individuals could always write a letter of resignation if it was not meant to be.  The Planning Board discussed strategies for looking for potential candidates.

  1. Approval of Minutes

Minutes will be approved at the next meeting. 

  1. Documents used at the Meeting
    1. Gould Farm Roadside Cafe and Store Building and Site Plan Review Application/Schematic Plans
    2. Master Plan Draft
    3. Letter from Shannon Boomsma Re: Notification of Chapter 91Simplified Waterways License, Dock Plans, and Public Notice

Margy made a motion to adjourn.  Tom seconded: Call a vote: Lauren- yes, Tom-yes, Laura-yes, Roger-yes, Margy-yes. Meeting adjourned at 8:59pm