Planning Board Meeting Minutes 9/14/2023

Meeting date: 
Thursday, September 14, 2023

Minutes of the Planning Board Meeting

Minutes of the meeting 9/14/23

Meeting Date: Thursday September 14, 2023

Meeting Opened at 7:06 pm

Planning Board members present: Tom Sawyer, Roger Tryon, Mort Salomon

Planning Board members present remotely: Margy Abbott, Chip Allen, Mort Salomon, Lauren Behrman

Planning Board Members absent: Laura Mensi

Also Present: Peter Grealish, Rob Hoogs, Peter Murkett, Frank Abbott

Also present remotely: Laurie McArthur (sb secretary), Seth Jenkins, Steven Duryee, Guest, Hanna Jensen

Call to Order 7:06 pm


  1. Finalization of Master Plan Draft

Tom discussed the finalization of the Master Plan.  He talked about private roads and dirt roads.  Tom read two letters from citizens expressing opinions about private and dirt-based roads.  The Planning Board discussed the letters and asked how the Town would take over the maintenance for the roads.  Mort suggesting finding out what would be involved regarding maintaining private and dirt roads.  Lauren asked if this would be something to add to the warrant, and asked how it would impact the capacity to care for existing roads.  Tom suggested leaving the wording more generic and include a recommendation for who they should approach to start the process.  Rob discussed having the road brought up to a reasonable standard.  This will be voted on during the next Planning Board meeting. 


Tom read an email from the COA regarding housing.  Tom said that the COA would like to include a recommendation for workforce housing, particularly seniors due to additional services being required for this population.  Tom said that they added in a section on housing, and read the content added to the Master Plan Draft that pertains to this inquiry.  


Seth asked individuals to send along photo credits that members of the Planning Board may have or have provided.  


  1. Review of the REWG (Renewable Energy Working Group) draft for initial solar bylaw amendments - Peter Murkett

Peter M. reported that the REWG voted to have Rob complete the draft of the solar bylaw amendments.  Peter said that if the Planning Board could propose a bylaw change prior to the next Town Meeting, then the REWG would present at said meeting.  Rob said that the best opportunity for a municipal solar project would be at the closed landfill.  He said that in order to do this they would need to add a second parcel.  Rob presented the draft document he has been working on.  He discussed the acreage and showed images of the area to be utilized.  Rob said that they have been working collaboratively with Gould Farm regarding the possibility of adding solar into their unused formal gravel pit.  Rob said that if Gould Farm were to participate in the project this would be more attractive when searching for a developer due to the larger scale of the property.  Rob said that second part would be to give the ZBA the discretion to wave, reduce, or eliminate the setbacks between the two properties so it could be developed as one property.   

Peter M. explained how this grant and the opportunity to build a solar array came about.  Peter M. discussed the process.  Rob discussed the proposed changes, including the name to a Municipal Parcel Solar Overlay District along with a summary of the setbacks, the need to include roof mounted solar, Canopies, and battery storage systems.  Rob discussed the need to amend the bylaw so the REWG could investigate finding developers for the project.  Tom discussed the process for meeting with the Planning Board to work on the proposed bylaw change.  Rob said that he believed it would be beneficial to work with the Planning Board on this project and receive feedback pertaining to the document and project.  The REWG talked about their work with the consultant and the language that would have to be utilized in the document.  Peter M. talked about whether the setback could divide the project in half, which would create a less desirable outcome.   Tom discussed the process for advertising for a public hearing and then get the document on the warrant.  Tom asked the Planning Board their thoughts about moving forward with this process.  Mort suggested reviewing the document at the next meeting to determine whether it could be ready for a Town Meeting.  Margy asked if they would be able to review the document prior to the next meeting.  Tom said that they will add this to the schedule for the next meeting and will send out the draft document to the Planning Board members so they can review it.  Frank will present this to the Select Board.  

  1. West Road Inquiry

Tom presented the West Road inquiry letter.  Tom reported that Steven was looking to purchase the parcel of land and said that the road needed to be upgraded to access other lots.  Steven said that the current owner had an affidavit placed on the property and concerns with the roadway that accesses the property.  Steven discussed struggles with upgrading the roadway and wanted to present the idea of removing the affidavit to the Planning Board.  Steven said that some brush would need to be removed and some work would need to be completed on the road.  Tom inquired about the paragraph on the site plan.  Steven said that in conversation with other residents some were in favor of creating a road association to help maintain the roads.  Roger reported that some of the roads are not maintained and said that individuals have to self-maintain the road.

Roger discussed how if the properties were sold then the hardship of maintaining the road would be passed onto the new owner.  Tom asked if Steven could apply for a variance to the ZBA.  Roger said that there was nothing they would be able to do since the road is not maintained.  Tom said that Steven could go to the ZBA and apply for a variance, and then return to the Planning Board, but said that it did not look hopeful since the road was not maintained and is not to standard.  

  1. Special permit application 56 Sylvan Rd

Tabled until the next meeting.

  1. Special permit application 99 Hupi Road

Tabled until the next meeting.  

  1. Correspondence

Letter for west rd.  

  1. Approval of minutes

Tabled until the next meeting.  

The Planning Board unanimously agreed to adjourn the meeting.  Meeting adjourned at 9:08pm.  

Documents used at the meeting

  1. Master Plan Draft
  2. Draft Document for initial solar bylaw amendments
  3. West Road inquiry letter.