Planning Board Minutes 02/08/2024

Meeting date: 
Thursday, February 8, 2024

Planning Board Minutes 2.8.24

(Community Center and online)

Meeting called to order 7:05 p.m.


Tom Sawyer

Roger Tryon

hip Allen

Laura Mensi

Lauren Behrman

Mort Solomon (on Microsoft Teams)

Absent: Margy Abbott

   1. Nicholas Russo from Berkshire Regional Planning Commission

Questions about what might be done to create some safe bike lanes and walking paths in Monterey

Options to slow traffic to share the road

Separating the path to a trail

Willingness of abutters to have an easement in their yards

Nick spoke about vulnerable road users’ law- motorists required to give 4 ft. to pass cyclists and pedestrians. Signs are available through DOT, trucks need side guards,

Towns can lower their speed limits to 25 mph, speed feedback signs can be funded through this program.  Speed bumps, diversions,

Mass Law passed Fall 2023

Chip mentioned the need for more speed limit signs on Blue Hill Rd, and other roads throughout town

Mass DOT - Complete Streets Funding Program- Tom asked “could funds be also used to hire a consultant to advise what options are feasible?”.  Nick’s response- Program offers funds for a consultant to help develop a Tier 2 prioritization plan for the town (approx. 30K) to help develop a list of plans that the town can then apply for funds for the survey,  design and construction. 

Public meetings to get input are advised.  Budgets often include, public meetings, site visit, develop a committee – consisting of someone from the planning board, public safety, police, one or two interested citizens (bikers, hikers), zoning board.

Letter of commitment, create the bylaw, send someone to do the training.

Online portal for documents- create a login and password.

Tier 1- Developing a town bylaw- a commitment that says transportation decisions in the town will have a complete streets lens (Policy)

Complete Streets Funding Program Guidance booklet is on the Mass DOT website.

2 paths to initiate application of Complete Streets-

  1.Can submit a letter of intent- within a year you’ll have a town representative trained through the program- complete streets 101 and 201.  This would be an elected or appointed position. (Eg police chief, DPW, town manager, planning board member). Becomes the town expert. Courses are free of charge.  Also have to adopt a complete streets policy.   If you submit a letter of intent, you can begin in tier 2 right away.

There is a template for the letter of intent on the DOT website

  2. Create the committee, create the bylaw and have the town representative trained and can then make the application.

Going through these steps unlocks the 38K for a consultant to do a prioritization plan study- This is Tier 2- create projects that the town wants to do, and what are the priorities.  There needs to be a minimum of 15 projects on the prioritization plan

Tier 3- Awards of up to 500K available in 4 year cycles to apply to these projects. Can first choose ‘low hanging fruit’ to get funded, and build a list of priorities, that can be renewed after 4 years.

Controversial discussion re: paving dirt roads.

Nick gave a folder of information on beginning the Complete Streets Program to be held by Laura.  Nick will help us get set up on the portal to submit our documents.  BPRC will work with us.

Next step is to have a joint meeting with the select board and present this to them.

Town beach to downtown, or bike lanes on 23- can do an independent corridor study, Mass trails grant program (offroad, multiuse trails, eg. Ashtiwillticook) wayfinding is also.

Can provide backing for applying for other grants. There are also Federal Grants available to apply for. 

   2. Approval of Minutes 1.25.24.  Minutes unanimously approved as written.

Motion to Adjourn at 8:09 p.m.