Planning Board Minutes

Meeting date: 
Thursday, July 12, 2018

Town of Monterey, MA

Planning Board Meeting Agenda

July 12, 2018 at 7:00 PM in the Town Hall


  1. Open Meeting  7:09


  1. Attendance


  1. Stephen Enoch
  2. Roger Tryon
  3. Larry Klein
  4. Pat Salomon
  5. Tom Sawyer
  6. John Szablowski
  7. Nancy Marcus
  8. Rich Kawamoto


  1. Business from the Public
    1. Hume Site Lighting Update
      1. John Reviewed the lighting plan with the Board.  The board had no issues with the lighting plan as presented.
    2. Library Sign Permit
      1. Application not received in time for the meeting
    3. Continued Marijuana Bylaw discussions
      1. Summary by Sawyer -of some previous discussions
      2. Stephen pointed out that even if something might not fit in the bylaws, there is always approval process, and the zoning board would decide.
      3. Do we want to completely exclude retail?
      4. Voting no to a bylaw that we have created is essentially defaulting to the state regulations.
      5. Each Board Member will print out one towns bylaw
        1. Larry – Williamstown
        2. Pat – Lenox
        3. Stephen – Great Barrington
        4. Roger – Sheffield
        5. Tom – Greenfield


  1. Short Term Rental discussions
    1. Pass on discussion for this meeting
  1. Read/Approve Previous Minutes
    1. 6/28 minutes approved as written
  2. Reports from the Board Members
    1. Nancy would like to be appointed to the Planning Board.
    2. Tom To write an e-mail to the Select board to approve.
  3. Read the Mail
    1. Received application to the board of appeals for 12 laurel Banks.  Meeeting is Sept 5th.  Board will put it on the agenda for the next meeting
    2. Budget statement
    3. Request from Berkshire regional planning to appoint a delegate. – Pat
    4. Sign permit approval notice from Great Barrington.
    5. Public hearing notice from Tyringham for expansion of a non conforming structure


Minutes approved at the end of the meeting


  1. Adjourn 8:53