Planning Board Minutes

Meeting date: 
Thursday, July 26, 2018

Town Of Monterey, MA

Planning Board

Meeting Notes

DATE:                          Thursday July 26, 2018

LOCATION:                 Monterey Town Hall


  1. Open Meeting - 7:08
  2. Attendance
    1. Board Members
      1. Tom Sawyer (Co Chair)
      2. Stephen Enoch (Co Chair)
      3. Larry Klein
      4. Pat Salomon


  1. Public
    1. Nancy Marcus


  1. Business from the Public
    1. ZBA Application - 12 Laurel Banks (Garage and House)
      1. Garage/Studio
        1. The Garage/Studio is still a nonconforming structure, it is still within the front 15' setback.
        2. The planning board suggests that the Garage/studio be moved the 9.7" to take it out of the front setback
      2. House
        1. The house structure is still within the 100 year flood plain



  1. Marijuana Zoning Regulations
    1. Review of other local Bylaws
      1. Pat - Lee, MA
        1. Bylaw is very simple, not overly restrictive
          1. Definitions from CCC
          2. Restricted to industrial zone
          3. Retailers can be in central business corridors
          4. Growers in light industrial
          5. No mobile operations except transport
      2. Larry - Medical Marijuana
        1. Must allow them somewhere
        2. Can regulate where they can be
        3. Only 5 per county
      3. Larry - Williamstown
        1. No Bylaw, have a host community agreement, also Sheffield
        2. Cooperative agreement between applicant and town
      4. Pat - all Berkshire county Marijuana bylaws are posted on the BRPC website
      5. Pat - Cheshire
        1. Start with MGL statute
        2. Must be in ag res district
        3. Minimum 5 acres in size
        4. Created overlay districts
      6. All
        1. Discussed what is allowable now
      7. Tom - Greenfield
      8. Bylaw recommendation
        1. Add to the table of uses





Recreational retail sales




Medical Marijuana Retail








  1. Board voted unanimously to hold a public hearing to present the additions to the table of uses with no other changes to the bylaw
  2. Target the second week in August




  1. Read and approve Previous Minutes
    1. Approved at the last meeting
  2. Reports from Board Members
    1. Larry brought up the subdivision control law that is separate from the bylaw;  Housekeeping items for the future.
    2. 24 Lakeside Terrace - Shannon Boomsma - common Driveway - 3 homes - would realigning the driveway require a permit? 
      1. Per section 9.1.3-4 a permit is not required for this work, will confirm with the Building commissioner.
    3. Emily Kirby - BRPC - questionnaire
    4. Scott Jenssen - Resign Almost
    5. Planning Board E-mail



  1. Read Mail
    1. Letter of approval from DEP to construct a well at the Hume camp.
  2. Adjourn - 9:20


Approved:  Meeting minutes approved as written