Renewable Energy Working Group Meeting Minutes 09/20/2023

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Minutes of the Renewable Energy Working Group 

Meeting Date: Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Meeting Opened at: 5:10pm

Members of the REWG Present: Peter Grealish and Rob Hoogs

Members of the REWG Present Remotely: Peter Murkett and Chris Aidun (joining late)

Other individuals present: Beth Greenblatt, Beacon Power services (joining remotely)

Call to order: 5:10pm

Agenda – Chair Peter M stated that the purpose of the meeting was to discuss next steps regarding installing solar PV on the Firehouse and Pavillion.

Reporting on Proposed Solar Bylaw Revisions

First, however, Peter Murkett and Rob Hoogs were appointed to prepare an article for the Monterey News about the Limited Zoning Bylaw revisions that REWG is working on with the Planning Board for presentation at the upcoming Special Town Meeting.  This limited revision proposes to rename the present Large Solar Overlay District (LSOD) to become the Municipal Parcel Solar Overlay District (MPSOD).  It will also add the town’s closed landfill parcel to this overlay district, allowing the development of a solar installation at the Landfill to be As-of-Right, subject to Site Plan Review by the Planning Board.  

In addition, the proposed revision to the Zoning Bylaw will give the Zoning Board of Appeals discretion to reduce or eliminate the setbacks on private parcels directly abutting a town-owned MPSOD parcel with a solar PV System, which would allow the abutting property owner to install a solar system with less than the large setbacks otherwise required for a standalone property. 

Firehouse and Pavillion

We then discussed with Beth Greenblatt the process for drafting an RFP for a roof-mounted solar PV system on the Firehouse and Pavilion buildings owned by the Monterey Fire Company.  The RFP will depend on what the Fire Company wants for its property: what are its goals?  Do they want to own the solar PV System, or would it be better for them to lease the roof to a third party?  The options affect who would receive either the income tax credit or the tax rebate for systems owned by non-profits or municipalities.  In addition to the technical and ownership options, there are potential economic opportunities for the various options. 

It was discussed that the Town and Fire Company are presently engaged in drafting a new lease for the Town’s use of the Firehouse.  It is unclear what effect, if any, the new lease will have on the options for a possible roof-mounted solar PV system.

It was discussed how to engage the Town and Fire Company in discussions about the rooftop solar PV option for the Fire House and Pavillion.  Following discussion Rob moved that the REWG invite the Fire Company to meet with Beth Greenblatt to discuss the options that would be available to the Fire Company with respect to installing solar on the Fire House and Pavillion.  Peter M seconded and the motion was unanimously approved.

Peter M then moved that the REWG appoint no more than two representatives to attend the Fire Company with Beth Greenblatt.  Peter G seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved.

After discussion, it was agreed that Peter M and Rob be appointed REWG designees to attend the meeting of the Fire Company with Beth.  

Landfill Solar Project

The solar project at the Town Landfill was discussed.  Beth stated that she would prepare a draft RFP after Town Meeting approving the amendments to the Zoning Bylaws described earlier in this meeting were approved.

Peter M moved that the REWG adjourn.  Chris seconded and it was unanimously approved.  The meeting adjourned at 6:01pm.