Renewable Energy Working Group Meeting Minutes 12/8/22

Meeting date: 
Thursday, December 8, 2022

Minutes of the Monterey REWG 12/8/2022

The Renewable Energy Working Group met at 5:30 pm on December 8, 2022, at Monterey Community Center, 468 Main Road, Monterey, MA 01245, and over Zoom.

Members Present in person:

Peter Murkett, Chairperson

Chris Aidun

Members Present remotely:

Rob Hoogs

Peter Grealish

John Prusinski


Also attending remotely:

Dennis Lynch


Organizational matters, protocols

Draft Scope of Services for consultant per ARPA grant

Choice of consultant

Review, edit, approve minutes

Peter Murkett called the meeting to order at 5:34.

Organizational Matters, Protocols

Peter Murkett noted that it is the Chairperson’s responsibility to call on one speaker at a time to avoid confusion. He also proposed that the Group rotate the Chairperson role yearly, and reported that the group may soon have a non-member assistant employed by the Town to draft minutes.

Draft Scope of Services for Consultant per ARPA Grant

The committee discussed the proposed Scope of Services for a consultant hired with the grant of $15,000 in ARPA funds awarded to the REWG by the Select Board.

Discussion followed, with comments from members and Dennis Lynch. The following proposals were adopted: that the committee appoint two members to revise and complete the proposed Scope of Services; that the draft Scope of Services be presented to the candidate for feedback and proposed refinements; that the vetted Scope of Services be sent to the Select Board for approval.

Before acting on the above proposal, Peter Murkett noted that the Town Administrator had confirmed that a consultant listed with CommBuys, a resource of vendors approved by the state, can be retained by choice, without soliciting a response to the Scope of Services from multiple vendors. Beacon Integrated Solutions is a listed CommBuys vendor.

Following discussion, upon motion of Peter Murkett seconded by Peter Grealish, the Group voted unanimously that the Town contract with Beacon Integrated Solutions as its consultant for the REWG, working under the proposed Scope Services developed per the $15,000 ARPA grant.

Peter Murkett then moved, with a second by Chris Aidun, that (1) two persons be appointed to revise the draft Scope of Services presented at this meeting, and that (2) upon completion, the draft Scope of Services be submitted to Beacon Integrated Solutions for feedback, and that (3) the Scope of Services shall require Beacon to submit its report in time to draft an article on the warrant for the Annual Town Meeting as may be required for any action or funding that the REWG deems necessary and appropriate to fulfill its charge.

Discussion ensued, and Peter Murkett moved to amend the above motion, appointing Peter Murkett and Chris Aidun to draft the Scope of Services and submit it to Beacon for comment.  The amendment was seconded by John Prusinski.

Following discussion, the amended motion was unanimously adopted.


Peter Murkett proposed that the REWG meet next on January 4, 2023, at 6:00 pm, and that prior to that meeting, the REWG present its proposal to the Select Board for the contract with Beacon under the Scope of Services. The proposal was unanimously approved.

Peter Murkett asked for an update on the work of the UMass Clean Energy Extension. Chris Aidun reported that he would obtain one before the next meeting.

Peter Murkett asked Dennis Lynch for an update on other grants that might support the work of the REWG. Dennis reported that FEMA grants and the Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness Program were both possiblities but were not timely right now. Discussion followed.

There was also discussion of the recently submitted META grant. Judy Eddy had reported that DOER had no idea when grants would be awarded.

Peter Murkett then asked if there was further business or comment. There being none he moved to the next agenda item.

Approval of Minutes

After discussion, upon motion of Peter Murkett seconded by Chris Aidun, the Group voted unanimously to approve draft minutes of REWG meetings dated August 3, October 19, and November 16, 2022. Peter Murkett noted that the October 19 minutes were not in typical form, which he would resolve in due course. The Group discussed the missing minutes of a meeting on 9/7/2022, which will be recreated from the recording of the meeting.

The meeting adjourned at 6:41pm. 

Respectfully submitted,

Chris Aidun

Monterey Renewable Energy Working Group