Renewable Energy Working Group Meeting Minutes 4/11/22

Meeting date: 
Monday, April 11, 2022

MREWG meeting April 11, 2022, 6 pm at Monterey Community Center, 468 Main Rd, Monterey.

Members attending in person:

Peter Grealish

Rob Hoogs

Peter Murkett

John Prusinski


Members attending remotely:

Chris Aidun


Non-members attending in person:

Dennis Lynch



Consultation with Town Counsel

Solar panels on town buildings

Agricultural solar

Green Community update

Approve draft minutes


Meeting called to order at 6 pm.

The Select Board approved meeting with Town Counsel. Following discussion, the Group agreed that Chris Aidun, Peter M. and Rob Hoogs will arrange a meeting with Counsel and two group members, to be held asap. Topics will include:

1. Canvassing private landowners regarding their interest in leasing land for a large-scale PV site. Site criteria include proximity to existing 3-phase power lines; open, south facing slope; array readily screened from casual view.

2. Steps leading to a contract for a PV array. Estimates, RFPs, bid specs, procurement, etc. 

3. REWG undertaking solar installations for the firehouse and pavilion on behalf of the Monterey Fire Company, the non-profit entity which owns these buildings.

4. Private donations to fund various REWG efforts, including a step-by-step feasibility study by a consultant such as Beacon Integrated Systems. 

At Fire Chief Shawn Tryon’s suggestion, Peter M. drafted a letter outlining our proposal (topic  3. above) to the Fire Co., for consideration at their April meeting. The Group has not yet heard back from the Fire Co. Peter M. will follow up this week.

Farms are allowed to net meter up to 200% of baseline demand, under guidelines that combine agricultural use with sustainable energy generation. Rob Hoogs will ask if the owners of Lowland Farm and Gould Farm would like to investigate the possibilities. Neither farm is close to existing three-phase lines, so the economics will depend on payback for the high cost of extending three-phase power.

The Group previously discussed various ways to inform townspeople about residential solar arrays and promote awareness of the potential for PV to reduce fossil fuel consumption. To that end, Rob Hoogs will work to schedule a Solar Community Supper, where owners of residential solar arrays can share their experiences and answer questions. We hope to announce it in the May Monterey News, which has an early deadline (4/18) for articles, due to Town Meeting/election constraints.

Peter M. will attend the regular Planning Board meeting on Thursday (4/14) to discuss the 9-acre parcel behind the pavilion, owned by the town and designated in the zoning bylaw as the exclusive site for use-by-right, large-scale solar, without Special Permit. The site meets only one of our Group’s criteria for such installations, proximity to three-phase power. It is an east-facing slope, heavily wooded with large pines that would obstruct solar gain. Loss of the natural carbon sink (mature trees) combined with the radical visual impact of a sizable clear-cut in the town center suggest that the use would meet strong opposition. We understand that the zoning provision is a requirement for Green Community designation, which can provide access to funds for energy conservation. Dennis Lynch pointed out that the town already has funding for the Planning Board to develop a Master Plan. Our Group will work to include appropriate renewable power generation in the planning. Also, during the Finance Committee’s summertime effort to plan for capital expenses, our Group will make the case for an appropriation to fund a feasibility study for town solar energy generation.

Dennis Lynch mentioned that the Governor’s Community Compact initiative includes funding for “best practices” in emissions reduction. The town could win a grant through this program; funds, disbursed at the beginning of the calendar year, are snapped up fast, so timing is important in seeking a grant.

Although Peter M. left messages for Emily Lange regarding progress with the town’s application for Green Community designation, we have not heard back from her.

Draft minutes of the Group’s meeting on 3/21/22 have been sent to members by email for approval.

Meeting adjourned at 6:55.


Respectfully Submitted,

Peter Murkett, Chairperson

Monterey Renewable Energy Working Group