Renewable Energy Working Group Meeting Minutes 5/18/22

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Minutes of meeting 5/18/22

Renewable Energy Working Group


The REWG met at the Monterey Community Center, 468 Main Road, Monterey, MA 01245, at 5 pm on May 18, 2022.

Members attending in person:

Rob Hoogs

Peter Grealish

Peter Murkett


Members attending remotely:

Chris Aidun

John Prusinsky


Also present in person:

Dennis Lynch


Posted agenda:

Funding for a consultant

Promoting renewable energy in town

Delegating tasks

Amend/approve draft minutes




Chairperson Peter Murkett convened the meeting at 5:00 pm, and re-convened at 5:15 after resolving Zoom technical issues.


Peter M. reported receiving a phone call from Emily Lange, of the Berkshire Regional Planning Commission, on Monday, May 16, inviting one or more REWG members to participate in a policy review being undertaken by the Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources. The subject was a late addition to the published agenda, because a response to the invitation had to be submitted in writing by Friday, May 20. There was consensus that we accept, for the chance to solicit stronger DOER support for town initiatives to install solar panels. Peter M. said he would submit the requested letter by Friday.


Dennis Lynch outlined potential sources of a grant to fund a professional consultant’s feasibility study for solar panels at town buildings (town hall, firehouse, highway department buildings, library, Community Center). This is our first priority, but a consultant could also assess, in a preliminary way, how and where the town might appropriately support a larger solar installation. Based on previous conversations with Beth Greenblatt of Beacon Integrated Systems, the amount of $15,000 was deemed sufficient for a feasibility study.


Dennis identified three sources of Massachusetts funds: Community Compact (Environmental Energy Assistance); the Municipal Vulnerability Fund; and Municipal Energy Technical Assistance (META, administered by DOER). He also mentioned funds available under the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). He emphasized application deadlines, suggesting that a META grant, which may be awarded as early as June, is likely to be our first opportunity. Peter M. moved that Dennis submit a grant proposal for $15,000 in META funds to the Select Board asap. Rob Hoogs seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.


Members did not take specific action seeking ARPA funds, but this remains a potential source.


We discussed launching our own local fund-raising campaign, soliciting donations from individuals in town. Chris Aidun moved that we do this, and volunteered to lead the effort; Peter M. seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Chris will provide an outline of next steps for subsequent discussion, including branding our mission by means of a slogan, artwork, promotional flyers, Monterey News articles, and a presence at various local events over the summer. John Prusinsky may provide graphic design input. A solar fair was also mentioned, with invited local vendors and installers of solar panels.


We scheduled a meeting for June 15, at which members plan to decide on next steps for this campaign, independent of government grants. The consensus is to prioritize the shortest path to hiring a consultant.


Approval of draft minutes of the REWG meeting on 5/4/22 was postponed.


A motion to adjourned at 6:20 carried unanimously.


Respectfully submitted,

Peter Murkett, Chair

Renewable Energy Working Group