Renewable Energy Working Group Meeting Minutes 5/3/2023

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Minutes of the Renewable Energy Working Group meeting May 3, 2023 Meeting Date: Wednesday May 3, 2023

Meeting Opened at: 5:31pm

Members of the REWG Present: Peter Murket, Peter Grealish, Members of the REWG Present Remotely: Chris Aidun, Other individuals present: Frank Abbott,

Other individuals present remotely: Beth Greenblatt Call to order at: 5:31pm

Agenda items to be discussed:

  1. META Grant Application

Peter M reported that they have been communicating with DOER regarding their METAGrant application, which was approved subsequent to the ARPA grant being approved. DOER is concerned that the two grants cover the same matter.  Beth and Peter M are discussing how to demonstrate to DOER that the grants are not overlapping.

Peter M reported that he, Beth Greenblatt, Rob Hoogs and Ken Bassler met in order to consider the potential for a municipal solar array on the former Monterey landfill. He reported they received a lot of information from Ken, who served on the Select Board when the new transfer station being built. Peter M reported that methane from the former landfill could still be measured. Beth reported that she has not had any contact with the EPA since. She said that Ken was going to go through some files that were created at the time the transfer station was built. Beth reported that the landfill area has been well maintained and has a vegetative cover, which is helpful for solar. Beth discussed the qualities of the area that contributed to the attractiveness of using the area for solar.

Beth reported that she has conducted research on the Town buildings and recommended discussing what to do with all of the benefits that come with this project. Beth said that some of the roof surfaces were in better shape than others and may require some upgrades. She recommended thinking about how much capacity do they need to offset the needs of the municipal community. In addition, she asked how they can extend this to the towns people so they can share in the benefits.

Beth said that the META Grant proposal from the REWG combines the issues of the landfill solar and Town building solar, whereas DOER separates these issues. She said that the landfill area would be a better option for a community shared solar project. Beth said that she went through the annual usage of the Town, which included 10 accounts and three street light accounts between 2007 and 2023. From here she came up with an average of the years that had data and came up with an average consumption per account for the past 17 years. She said the average for the Town was approximately 117,500 kw hours per year. She said that from the four primary rooftops of the Town buildings she came up with an approximate average of 400,000 kw hours of generation potential per year. She said that for any of the energy exported by the Town to National Grid would be compensated.  As a result she said, Town buildings will be generating approximately two and a half times of what they are using.

Beth said that the landfill project would require three phases, which would delay the other project. Beth explained two complications to be the age and condition of the Pavillion roof and the Fire Company being a separate entity. Beth discussed options for completing the projects. Peter asked who they will have to talk to when trying to determine if the EPA will permit solar development on the Monterey landfill. Beth recommended speaking with Daniel Hall with Mass DEP.

Peter M. reported that he has had some communication with the CEO of Gould Farm, Lisanne Finston, who wanted to meet with the REWG to compare notes, share goals, and see if they can all work together. Peter said that this is important for the grounds Gould Farm has that are located next to the landfill. Beth recommended sharing with them that the REWG has done some testing so see if the landfill necessitates solar development or will do additional work that will be required. She said that if Gould Farm were to be interested, then the more capacity going into a congested power lines in the area that is going to require upgrades may result in a better overall cost distribution afterwards. Beth recommended the REWG ask Gould Farm what their goals would be, so they are able to develop a strategy. Peter will forward the documents sent by Beth to the REWG.

Chris left the meeting early.

Peter M will follow up with DOER and inform them that they are focused on the landfill project. Beth recommended the REWG look into which rooftops they would like to pursue and said that she would need a copy of the National Grid Bill.

  1. Review, revise as needed, approve minutes

This item was not completed due to a lack of a quorum

  1. Report of Rob Hoogs regarding info from office of Sen. Markey This item was not discussed during the meeting.

The meeting ended at 6:26pm.