Renewable Energy Working Group Meeting Minutes 6-7-23

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Minutes of the Renewable Energy Working Group meeting 6/7/2023 Meeting Date: Wednesday June 7, 2023

Meeting Opened at 5:33 pm

Members of the REWG Present: Peter Grealish, Rob Hoogs

Members of the REWG Present Remotely: Peter Murket, Chris Aidun, Other individuals present: None

Other individuals present remotely: Beth Greenblatt, Call to order: 5:33pm

Agenda items to be discussed:

  1. META grant awarded, scope defined.

Peter M reported that the project was divided into several components. Initially they discussed the four rooftops for solar but reported that this project was not attracting solar companies interested in doing the work, so they shifted gears to look at creating a solar array on the closed Monterey landfill. Peter reported that they had conversations with DOER and identified concerns with use overlapping funds from the previously received ARPA grant and the META grant. TheREWG modified their META grant application, so it is directed at a Community Shared Solar array on the Monterey landfill. Peter reported that the application with Beacon was also modified to ensure that both projects are separated.

Beth discussed the conversation with DEP and reported that they issued a post closure used permit for the construction of the new Transfer Station. Beth said that they wanted to make sure that the effort would not trigger any challenges for the Town.


  1. Update, meeting with Gould Farm


Beth provided an update regarding a conversation she and Peter M had with Gould Farm. She reported that, since the Town is a public entity, the Monterey landfill community solar installation project (“Monterey Landfill CSS”) would need to follow all legal requirements for public procurement. She said in this case it would be leasing land or building rooftops to a developer who would develop the Monterey Landfill CSS project. She discussed a consequence of the Town possibly participating as an off taker under this project. Beth discussed how Gould Farm might participate in the process.

Chris inquired about the existing Three Phase power line running through the Town being at capacity and unable to handle more electricity that would result from a the Monterey Landfill CSS.  Beth said there would be upgrades on National Grids infrastructure that may need to be completed and charged back to the project. Beth said that any asset on the Town property or Gould Farm would be considered two separate points of interconnection.

Peter M. inquired about the operation of storage capacity (batteries) that might installed as part of the Monterey Landfill CSS project. Beth discussed the program Connected Solutions and how National Grid utilizes stored renewable energy this under their distribution network. Beth explained how the independent system operator (ISO) of New England sends feed to the battery storage operators to notify them of peaks in order to maintain sufficient capacity requirements to the region.

Peter G. inquired about a time frame. Beth discussed three scenarios regarding Gould Farm’s participation with the project:

1. Gould farm could be assistors as abutters; 

2. Gould Farm would be active members of the process and would participate in the procurement process and the discussion process but would be considered non-voting.

3. A representative of Gould Farm becomes a member of the working group and can express their interest, would be an active voting member, and would participate.

Beth encouraged the REWG to check with Town Counsel and the Town Administrator regarding having Gould Farm participate in the process to ensure any legal concerns.

Peter G. inquired if they have reviewed the zoning bylaw and if not suggested discussing this with the Planning Board to ensure continuity when this goes to Town Meeting. Peter M. said that the location would be subject to special permits and specific criteria and suggested looking at the law prior to the July meeting and consulting with John Levin and Tom Sawyer.

Beth asked the REWG to confirm that the META grant has been executed and sent back to DOER. Peter M reported that in conversations with the Town Administrator she had the necessary information to respond appropriately to DOER so the META grant could be established. Beth requested for the REWG to determine when the grant was sent back to DOER so she could separate the invoices. Beth inquired about the status of the amended agreement for the grant and the 30b form for the META grant. Peter said that the information has been passed along to the Select Board, but he has not heard back as of yet.


  1. Board business

Peter reported that John Prusinsky would not be remaining with the REWG after his commitment expires in June 2023.Therefore, they will need a new member. Peter has been looking into new members and discussed a potential candidate. Peter discussed the process for the Select Board appointment for the REWG after the current member resigns.


4.  Going Forward

Peter moved that the Working Group hereby agrees that the focus of its work should be adjusted as follows: The REWS will pursue two work streams: 


(1) pursue the Monterey Landfill CSS project: a large community solar project at the Town landfill and proximate buildings thereon, and


(2) installation of solar at the Firehouse.


The REWG will pursue use of the DOER META grant for the Monterey Landfill CSS project and the Town ARPA grant for the Firehouse project. Peter G. seconded. Call a vote: Peter M. yes, Peter-G. yes, Rob- yes.

5. Review, approve minutes of 3/1/23 and 3/29/23

Peter M. motioned to postpone reviewing the minutes from 3/1/23 and 3/29/23 until the next meeting. Peter G. seconded.Call a vote: Peter M. yes, Peter-G. yes, Rob-yes.

Peter M. made a motion to adjourn the REWG meeting. Rob seconded. Call a vote: Peter M. yes, Peter-G. yes, Rob-yes. Meeting adjourned at 6:37pm.