Renewable Energy Working Group Meeting Minutes 7/20/22

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Minutes of Meeting on 7/20/2022

Renewable Energy Working Group


The REWG met at the Monterey Community Center, 468 Main Road, Monterey, MA 01245, at 6 pm on July 20, 2022.


Members present in person:

Peter Murkett

Rob Hoogs

Chris Aidun


Members attending remotely:

John Prusinsky



Peter Grealish


Beth Greenblatt of Beacon Integrated Solutions joined the meeting as a guest


Posted agenda:

Presentation Q&A with guest Beth Greenblatt of Beacon Integrated Solutions

Application for ARPA grant by SB
Publicity Materials
Review of minutes

The meeting convened at 6 pm.

Chris Aidun volunteered to act as Secretary of the meeting.

Peter introduced our guest Beth Greenblatt and turned the meeting over to Beth.

Beth made a presentation about her firm and then covered a number of topics relating to community and municipal solar, including integrating municipal solar into the Town’s energy mix, Community Shared Solar (CSS), the Massachusetts SMART program, financing and development techniques and other matters.  She also presented certain slides which are filed with these minutes. 

A question and answer discussion was part of the presentation. 

The members ran out of time to continue the meeting in spite of open agenda items.  It was agreed that the next meeting would be held on August 3 at 6pm.

The meeting adjourned at 7:35 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Peter Murkett, Chairperson

Chris Aidun, Secretary to the Meeting

Monterey Renewable Energy Working Group

Attachments:  Community Shared Solar Slides from Beacon Integrated Solutions