Renewable Energy Working Group Meeting Minutes 9/7/2022

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Minutes of the Renewable Energy Working Group 9/7/22 Meeting Date: Wednesday September 7, 2022

Meeting Opened at 7:00 pm

Renewable Energy Working Group members present: Peter Murkett, Peter Grealish, Renewable Energy WorkingGroup members present remotely: Chris Aidun, Rob Hoogs, John Prusinsky

Also Present: None

Also Present Remotely: John (last name unknown)

Call to Order 7:00 pm


Agenda items to be discussed:

  1. ARPA funds application


Peter M said that the Renewable Energy Working Group was seeking $15,000 from of ARPA grant, and the grant application is due on October 13, 2022, and there will be one final meeting prior to the due date. Peter M recommended working on edits for the application. Chris provided an overview of the ARPA application requirements and discussed the four permitted uses of ARPA funds. Chris said that the only category they fit into would be the use of funds as a result of the pandemic either for public health or negative economic impact. Chris said the argument couldbe that the pandemic effective delayed the Town of Monterey from pursuing this important climate mitigate strategy of delaying solar for two years. Chris said that this would constitute both an economic and a public health impact. Peter M shared that climate change is a public health concern and suggested pressing the point when broaching the SelectBoard about this subject and the ARPA grant funds. Peter M suggested stressing the idea of health when completing the application.


John reviewed the requirement of the grant and suggested wording the application, so it reflects the infrastructure component. Peter M reviewed the wording of the ARPA application along with the work completed to date. Peter M said that there was nothing noted as to whether this use of funds meets the requirements the US Treasury Dept for ARPA grants. Peter M asked the REWG if they should make their case in the application regarding how this is an appropriate use of the funds.


Chris made a motion to vote on proceeding with the ARPA application as they discussed it here at the meeting including the text, the ARPA justification formulation discussed. Peter G. seconded. Call a vote: Peter M-yes, John-yes, Rob-yes, Chris-yes, Peter G.-yes.



  1. META grant status


Peter M. reported that Dennis Lynch informed him that he would be unable to write the Municipal Energy Technical Assistance (META) grant application at this time due to personal reasons.


Peter M. moved to table the META grant business at this time. John seconded. Call a vote: Peter M-yes, John-yes, Rob-yes, Chris-yes, Peter G.-yes.


  1. UMass Extension program


Peter M. provided an update regarding the UMASS Extension program and the conversation he and Chris had with Sara Dowling and River Strong, who are the staff in charge of the program.



  1. Review, approve minutes


Peter M. made a motion to accept the minutes as written. Call a vote: Peter M-yes, John-yes, Rob-yes, Chris-yes, Peter G.-yes.


  1. Unanticipated business


Peter M. reported that their flyer is now being displayed at the Town Hall and at the Transfer Station.


Peter M. confirmed that the next meeting will take place on October 5, 2022 at the Community Center and on zoom at 6:00pm.


Chris made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Peter seconded. Call a vote: Peter M-yes, John- yes, Rob-yes, Chris-yes, Peter G.-yes. Meeting adjourned at 7:00pm.