ZBA Meeting Minutes 6/22/22 - 16 Laurel Banks

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, June 22, 2022

ZBA Hearing Minutes

Address: 16 Laurel Banks

Date:  6/22/22

Hearing began at: 2:30pm

Members Present:  Jonathan Levin, Chair, Gary Shaw, Clerk, Scott Jenssen, Susan Cooper and Michael Banner

Also present: Michael Bernstein, Ken Taub

The hearing began with Jonathan Levin, Chair, explaining the hearing process and then Gary Shaw, Clerk, read the legal notice (which was posted for 2 consecutive weeks in the Berkshire Eagle and at the Town Hall).  The Board did not receive any letters from the Planning Board, Conservation Commission or Board of Health.

Michael Bernstein would like to place a temporary trailer through Labor Day to reside in while flooding issues are remediated in the existing single family home.

Jon Levin inquired if the work to be done was limited to the interior of the existing home: The applicant replied yes and that they will not be using any of the home while it is being repaired as it in inhabitable.  Mr. Bernstein explained how the trailer would be connected to the existing septic to get rid of waste.

Ken Taub, abutter came to discuss his easement which is currently being blocked by the dumpster which Mr. Bernstein said will be removed by the end of the week.  Mr. Taub supports the request as long as it does not become a long standing thing.  Jon Levin noted that the ZBA has no jurisdiction over the dumpster and Mr. Taub was informed that if an issue does arise he would need to speak to the Building Inspector.

A motion was made to close the public portion of the hearing.  The motion was seconded and unanimously approved.  Section 7.5.1 of the Zoning Bylaws give the Board the authority to grant a special permit for the temporary use of a trailer or mobile home provided adequate provision is made for water, sewage disposal and other dwelling requirements of the State Sanitary Code, for up to 12 months.

As Mr. Bernstein has met the water and sewage and other dwellingrequirements, Jon made a motion to grant the temporary permit for a trailer to be placed on the property as temporary living quarters while the home is renovated with  the permit  expiring on  May 25, 2023.  The motion was seconded and unanimously approved.

The hearing concluded at 2:45pm

Submitted by

Melissa Noe, Town Administrator