Board of Health Meeting Minutes 10/18/21

Meeting date: 
Monday, October 18, 2021


Date:  10/18/21

Present:   John Makuc, Julio Rodriguez

Also in attendance: Justin Makuc

Meeting began at 2pm

  1. The Board discussed possible candidates to fill the vacant seat.  A notice will be put on the website for interested parties to contact the Board by November 15th.
  2. Julio will be appointed as the animal inspector to fill the vacancy.  The necessary paperwork was filled out and will be sent to the state as required.
  3. Since the Visiting Nurse contract was cancelled by Berkshire Health Systems in June the new public health collaborative would like to be able to access those funds for items not covered under the grant.  It was agreed to request that an article be placed on the special town meeting warrant to transfer the $2,400 from Visiting Nurse to Public Health Services.
  4. The Board discussed a letter received from the school about mandating vaccines in children.  The Board did not feel it was in a position to issue vaccine mandates but strongly suggested that anyone who has access should consider taking it.
  5. Jim Wilusz reported that the permitting software is working great.
  6. The minutes from 10/4/21 were approved as written.

A motion was made, seconded and unanimously approved to adjourn at 3:05pm.

Submitted by,

Melissa Noe, Town Administrator