Board of Health Meeting Minutes 1/30/23

Meeting date: 
Monday, January 30, 2023


Date:  1/30/23

Present:   John Makuc, Thomas Mensi, Mort Salomon, and Jim Wilusz, Health Agent

Also present: Mary Makuc, Laurie Shaw, Joe Baker, Dennis Lynch, Michael Banner and Adam from Foresight

Meeting began at 2pm

  1.  Adam from Foresight Land Services came in to present the plans for multiple septic system upgrades to replace failed components at the Camp Kimama property. The upgrades do not require abutter notifications or a public hearing but due to the size of the project the Board thought it best to review the plans at a public meeting.  The Board unanimously approved the plans as submitted.
  2. Jim Wilusz updated the Board on the Public Health Excellence Grant by providing a quarterly report for Oct – Dec 2022.  All towns will be required to have a representative at the upcoming meetings; Tom said he can probably do it and Mort offered to be an alternate. Jim reported that there may be additional funds coming from the State for administrative support and back up health inspectors.
  3. Members of the Community Center Committee were present to request permission from the Board to give a variance on the additional bathroom that is required for the proposed pavilion. Jim stated that bathroom facilities do not fall under the jurisdiction of the Board of Health but as far as any septic reductions that may be required to avoid upgrades that is their jurisdiction (title v) and would certainly be possible.
  4. Dennis Lynch inquired about any requirements for monitoring toxic algae in the lake. Jim reported that there aren’t currently any good state guidelines and offered to send everyone the information he has.

A motion was made, seconded, and unanimously approved to adjourn at 3:40pm.