Board of Health Meeting Minutes 2/1/21

Meeting date: 
Monday, February 1, 2021


Date:  February 1, 2021

Present:  John Makuc and Roy Carwile  

Also Present: Jim Wilusz, Mary Makuc, Kyle Pierce, Kenn Basler, Kay Purcell and Mark Makuc

The meeting began at 2pm


Jim Wilusz updated everyone on the efforts being made for getting residents vaccinated.  There are 3 static sites in the Berkshires.  Jim reported that there aren’t enough vaccines right now for all of the seniors but the state is working on this and unfortunately everyone is at the mercy of the federal government to release more.

The scheduling process for signing up for your vaccine was discussed as well as if there was a possibility of adding more vaccination locations (private pharmacies such as Walgreens and CVS will also be offering vaccines independent from the local effort).

There is an ad hoc group that will be organizing assistance for any seniors that need help with signing up for their vaccines or with rides to the vaccination locations.

The meeting adjourned at 3:20pm

Submitted by,

Melissa Noe, Administrative Assistant