Board of Health Meeting Minutes 2/28/22

Meeting date: 
Monday, February 28, 2022


Date:  2/28/22

Present:   John Makuc, Mort Salomon and Jim Wilusz

Meeting began at 2pm

  1. Jim updated the Board on his opinion he rendered with regard to the school house based on photos provided by the Police Chief and report from the Director of Operations.  He feels that the pest issues with harborage which can affect neighbors’ needs to be addressed.  All agreed that the building should be boarded up and secured so the pest can’t continue to access the property.
  2. Possible hoarding issue: Jim has attempted to make access to the site but the homeowner has been unresponsive.  Jim will write a letter to the homeowner advising them that it is their obligation to keep all egresses open in case emergency services needs to access the property.  He will also place another call to Elder Services.  The Police Chief is also aware of the situation.
  3. The Board discussed the relaxed CDC masking guidance and noted that people should remain aware that there are still vulnerable, compromised individuals when making the personal decision to mask/unmask.  Positive cases are going down in Berkshire County.  The Board agreed that it would be difficult to pursue any formal policy about masking and required vaccinations.
  4. The inter-municipal agreement should be ready for signatures at the next meeting.
  5. The minutes of 1/3/22 were approved as written.

A motion was made, seconded and unanimously approved to adjourn at 2:40pm.

Submitted by,

Melissa Noe, Town Administrator