Board of Health Meeting Minutes 3/15/21

Meeting date: 
Monday, March 15, 2021


Date:  March 15, 2021

Present:  John Makuc and Julio Rodriguez  

Also Present: Jim Wilusz, John Szablowski

The meeting began at 2pm

  1. Roy Carwile and John Makuc will come in to sign their 2021 Inspector of Animal nomination papers.
  2. FY22 VNA contract: The Board has agreed to continue our contract with the Berkshire VNA for FY22.
  3. Public health excellence grant RFR for shared services: Jim provided a summary on this shared services grant and how Monterey can participate and what kind of services we could receive if successful in obtaining the grant.  This proposal will allow towns to build sustainability up to $300k/year for the next 13-15 years.  Tri-Town has agreed to be the lead in the grant application to create 2 fulltime public health nursing positions to be shared with Lee, Lenox, Stockbridge, Alford and Mt. Washington.  This would not eliminate our current services with the VNA; their scope of services is very limited.  The grant application is due April 1st and will be awarded May 1st.  If Monterey is interested we just need to submit a letter of interest by June 30th.  It was unanimously decided to write a letter of support.
  4. Jim is working with the Monterey Community Center to assist with COVID vaccinations.  He does not have any updates on the camp regulations yet. 
  5. The minutes from January 11 and February 1 were unanimously approved.
  6. The next meeting will be April 5th.


The meeting adjourned at 2:32pm

Submitted by,

Melissa Noe, Town Administrator