Board of Health Meeting Minutes 3/16/2020

Meeting date: 
Monday, March 16, 2020


Date:  March 16, 2020

Present:  John Makuc, Julio Rodriguez and Roy Carwile  

Also Present: Jim Wilusz, Kenn Basler. Don Coburn, Steve Weisz, Mark Makuc, Chris Tryon, Shawn Tryon, Mickey Jervas, Gareth Backhaus, Ann Canning,

The meeting began at 4pm

The Board met to discuss the current Coronavirus situation:

  1. The Governor’s most recent press releases and updates were discussed which included:
    1. There will be a weekly conference call each Tuesday at 3pm hosted by the Department of Public Health (DPH) which Jim will be attending and will update the Boards on.
    2. Over the weekend a Mass 211 call center was launched to triage the other lines for critical calls.
    3. Guidance has now been released on mass gatherings.
    4. The open meeting law has been relaxed.
  2. DPH has been asked to address Berkshire specific needs.  The speed of testing has been ramped up.
  3. It has been confirmed that 80+ percent of people that may be carrying, may show no symptoms.
  4. Jim reported that several local town halls and libraries have closed to the public to increase social distancing.  He recommends that town officials limit cash transactions and handling cash.
  5. As of last Friday there is work being done to set up more testing facilities in the Berkshires.
  6. Under MGL, Boards of Health have the authority to issue isolation (confirmed case) and quarantine (presumptive) orders.
  7. Fire department:  Jim did report that EMS and firefighters should be receiving guidance on how to self-identify so that first responders can determine whether close contact is required and if additional precautions should be taken.  In non-emergent calls the firefighters will have to determine if they need to be in close proximity or wait for the ambulance services.
  8. Seniors: Don inquired if any towns had instituted any procedures for the elderly that may not have access to get medications, food, etc.  Jim stated that some towns have been calling local businesses and people that may be willing to help those in need but there aren’t any official mechanisms that have been put in place.  It was suggested that the Council on Aging be enlisted to help with contacting those that are higher risk.
  9. Steve inquired about the 2 large communities we have in town, Hume & Gould Farm and how the town may go about requesting that no large meetings be held; Jim stated that the Governor’s emergency declaration no gatherings of 25 or more are allowed and are enforceable by the Board of Health for any violations.  Roy reported that at a Conservation Commission meeting last week Hume stated that they will be requesting that any attendees to their camp be screened prior to coming.  The director there also has mentioned that several groups have already cancelled.  Jim will check in with both groups.

The meeting adjourned at 4:47pm

Submitted by,

Melissa Noe, Administrative Assistant