Board of Health Meeting Minutes 5/16/22

Meeting date: 
Monday, May 16, 2022


Date:  5/16/22

Present:   John Makuc, Mort Salomon and Jim Wilusz

Absent: Tom Mensi

Meeting began at 2pm

  1. The Board thanked Julio Rodriguez for his time served on the Board.
  2. Harm Reduction Services: Jim will send in the necessary paperwork once a signed copy of the minutes from last month are approved.
  3. Jim provided an update on the hoarding issue in town.
  4. Southern Berkshire Public Health Collaborative: Jim provided the quarterly report.  Jim is also requesting that a Board of Health member represent Monterey on the Board, they meet the 2nd Friday of the month at 9am with a remote option.  The Board will ask Tom if he is able to do it.
  5. Jim reported that COVID numbers are up and we are back in the red in Berkshire County.
  6. The collaborative has purchased all the flu vaccines for the fall clinics.
  7. The Board discussed with Jim the opioid settlement. The collaboration will be working on an official request for Monterey’s funding.
  8. The Board discussed changing the frequency of their meeting.  It was suggested to meet once a month on the 3rd Monday of each month at 2pm; all agreed.
  9. Jim reported that Camp Half Moon is working on an upgraded septic design and is working with Jim to comply with the camp regulations.

A motion was made, seconded and unanimously approved to adjourn at 2:40pm.

Submitted by,

Melissa Noe, Town Administrator